"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Opportunity to Publish

ACFW Indiana's next meeting will be March 10 in Fort Wayne. 

Instead of a regular meeting, we're adding a little competition: can you write a flash fiction romance in five hours, a masterpiece in a day?  

From 11a.m. until 4 p.m. we will meet at Don's Guesthouse Grille, enjoy some lunch, and start writing!

You don't write romances? Don't let that terrify you! I'm not a romance writer either. But last summer, I jumped in with both feet at a local arts fair that conducted a similar contest. 

What an enjoyable day discovering how much I could accomplish in so little time. Then there was the added boon of sitting with writer friends while we typed away, occasionally consulting one another for a light critique. I won second place! And a cash prize!

Masterpiece in a Day judges realize your "finished" product will be little more than a rough draft, but they'll base their decision for a winner on the story's potential . Three finalists will be notified within thirty days of the contest so they can polish their submission before the winner is announced at the June 9 meeting, which will also take place in Fort Wayne.

At that time, he or she will be awarded $50 and the edited story will be sent to Spark for publication. (An added note: Doc Hensley will be our featured speaker in June.)

Since this kind of event creates additional expense for our chapter, we're charging $10 for each story submitted from ACFW members, and $15 for any guests who wish to join in the fun.

Here's how you can expect it all to work on the day of the contest:          

1. You will be given 3 writing prompts.
2. In the next several hours, you will write a 500-700 word sweet romance based on a theme given to you on that day.
3. When you finish, email it to the addresses on the instruction sheet before you leave.


Please RSVP to acfwindianachapter@gmail.com. as soon as possible.

Your officers have selected a menu of salads or sandwiches, providing for vegetarians, those who eat light, and those who enjoy a hearty meal. I expect our Facebook page will have a map link to get you to  1313 W. Washington Center Road in Fort Wayne.

So get your creative juices flowing! And I hope to see you there!

Linda Sammaritan writes realistic fiction, mostly for kids ages ten to fourteen. She is currently working on a middle grade trilogy, World Without Sound, based on her own experiences growing up with a deaf sister.
Linda had always figured she’d teach middle-graders until school authorities presented her with a retirement wheelchair at the overripe age of eighty-five. However, God changed those plans when He gave her a growing passion for writing fiction. In May of 2016, she blew goodbye kisses to her students and dedicated her work hours to learning the craft. She still visits the school and teaches creative writing workshops.

Where Linda can be found on the web: www.lindasammaritan.com

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