"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Monday, February 15, 2010

Marketing in K-Mart Terms Volume 2

Marketing in K-Mart Terms Vol 2

Book Promotion

Do I need an Influencer?

This question is similar to the significant question-do I need an agent? Perhaps not as weighty, but worthy of consideration.

What is an influencer? An influencer is a promoter of your book. One who positively influences others. It is a form of viral marketing or word of mouth promotion. An influencer is one who invests in your book; one who is a member of your tribe. You certainly want someone who believes in your book, but who is also honest.

Specific steps an influencer can take:

  • Of course, read the book. All of it.
  • Talk about the book everywhere: to groups you belong to, with friends and family, at book clubs.
  • Write about the book: on Facebook, Twitter and your blog.
  • Review the book: on Amazon, on the ACFW website, your personal blog, the publisher’s website, on-line review sites, your newspaper.
  • Have your book club read and discuss the book.
  • Distribute bookmarks, flyers or other media items.
  • Ask your library to order the book.
  • Ask bookstores to carry the book.
  • Record the book with an online tracking system (don’t know name) and then pass on the book. The book’s journey can be tracked.
  • Participate in a blog tour of the book.
  • Invest in a copy for a friend, for your church book store or library.

A real commitment is required of an influencer and the task shouldn't be taken lightly. These are only a few guidelines for an influencer. Are there other ideas you have to share?

Jude Urbanski




  1. I haven't heard of the on-line book tracker before. I think that is a really cool idea! Anyone know the name?

  2. Great list, Jude! Thanks! I've filed it away for that day when I hope to need it!

  3. Thanks, Jude, for the reminder. Now that I've finished my novella, I need to think marketing!
