"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lies Writers Believe

"I'm a liar in search of the truth," sang the artist.
"Me, too," I thought. I lie to myself all day long.

So I started a list of writing lies that have bound me and the truth that sets me free.

Being published makes me Important.
He must increase, I must decrease. John 3:30

The work of writing falls to me.
Apart from Jesus you can do nothing. John 15:5

Writing is too hard.
I can do all things through Christ. Philippians 4:13

Writing is too risky.
Do not fear. God is with you. Isaiah 41:10

Writing is too exhausting.
Those who wait on the Lord will gain new strength. Isaiah 40:31

I don’t know enough to write.
We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ to do the good works
He prepared. Ephesians 2:10

I’ll never be savvy.
Our adequacy is from God. 2 Corinthians 3:5

I write for myself.
Writing reflects Christ, the living Word. John 1:1

Writing comes easy to the gifted.
Fan into flame the gift that is in you. 2 Timothy 1:6

I don’t need to study writing.
Show me your ways, teach me your paths. Psalm 25:4

I don’t think God is serious about calling me to write.
Jesus glorified the Father by accomplishing the work
God gave Him to do. John 17:4

I have too many interruptions.
God is a shield to all who take refuge in Him. Psalm 18:30

Others have plans for me.
Others had plans for Jesus. Matthew 12:46-50

Writing doesn’t really matter.
Writing can demolish arguments and pretensions
and capture thoughts. 2 Corinthians 10:5

I don’t have enough time to write.
To every thing there is a season. Ecclesiastes 3:1

I’m too young to write.
God’s grace is sufficient for you. 2 Corinthians 12:9

I’m too old to write.
God’s grace is sufficient for you. 2 Corinthians 12:9

By the grace of God may we throw off the lies that so easily entangle us and run the race marked out for us.


  1. WONDERFUL post. Thank you so much for sharing. This was lovely and so appropriate. Thank you, thank you,

  2. God's word does not return void! Thanks for the precious reminders.

  3. Interesting list. Hey, I used to live in the Warsaw/Winona Lake, Indiana area.


    Books For Boys Blog

  4. Loved this list! So much truth in it!

  5. Wow, did I need that! Thanks so much, Renata!

  6. Lisa was right. This is amazing and so timely. Thanks, Renata!

  7. Good enough to be reposted on the ACFW blog, in my opinion. Or at least a link to it posted on the ACFW loop -- if that's allowed. :)

  8. I need this today! Thanks, Renata, for this inspirational post. And Lisa for getting the word out.

  9. Thank you, everyone. You have lifted my spirit.

  10. Wow Renata. I need to save this and really study those scriptures you quoted. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  11. Great post! Thanks for the encouragement!
