"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Quiz for Movers and Shakers - Those determined to move the world and those shaking in their boots

For gift chocolateCircle all that apply .

Are you ready for Indianapolis ACFW conference?

a. Preparation is frenzied and I’ve bought chocolate.
b. I want to go, but I can’t.
c. Go? I’m not even sure I want to keep writing.

My biggest worry is...

a. I won’t be prepared.
b. I’m going to miss my one big chance.
c. Other people. (Will anybody talk to me and share chocolate?)

Besides free chocolate, I expect ...

a. To get an agent, publisher, and/or book contract.
b. To learn the craft of writing and meet other writers.
c. To get away from my family, have others bring me meals and cleanup after me.

Whether you attend conference or not God will accomplish His purpose. I’ve met more people who strive in their own strength than those who are lazy so forgive me if I’m redundant, but RELAX.

Rest in Him. He is enough. “The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy in drought.” Isaiah 58:11. Prepare but don’t be frantic or anxious.

Expect God to give you what you need. “Whatever is good and perfect comes from God.” James 1:17. He never withholds what is best for you.

Laugh—at yourself, with a friend, out of pure pleasure of being loved by the Redeemer. You are who God made you. Don’t puff yourself up, nor put yourself down. A tip to the timid: crowds are made up of individuals each as important as the next, regardless of fame or acclaim.

Analyze your reasons. You might mine more riches from classes then from riding in on a charger trying to spear contracts and change the whole world in one weekend. Think of this as seed-planting time. Let God determine whether it brings an immediate harvest or a delay. “God who began the good work within you will keep right on helping you grow in his grace until his task within you is finally finished…” Philippians 1:6

X out bad stuff. Repent of envy, jealousy, prejudice, judging others, pride and un-forgiveness. “Lead me; teach me; for you are the God who gives me salvation. I have no hope except in you.” Psalm 25:5. Critiques or meetings may not go as you hoped, but God can still bring about his purposes. For instance, there is no gift chocolate for leaving a comment. Can you forgive me? Think of the pound you saved and give thanks. BTW Some of you think entirely too much about chocolate!

Noah readied the ark for a hundred years. Anointed king, David still waited fifteen years before God put him into power. Jesus lived thirty quiet years before the three years of ministry that culminated in the most life-changing event ever. Not one of them were motivated by chocolate, but that’s not my point.

The timing is God’s. Movers and shakers can both pray, “God, help me get me out of Your way so I don’t delay Your will.”

I’d love to see your quiz responses and favorite conference scripture. Okay, if you insist, list your choice of chocolate. I can’t wait to meet you there and share chocolate.

Mary Allen


  1. LOL, Mary. I wasn't thinking about chocolate, but now I am. Didn't know chocolate was such a big part of the ACFW. And yes, thanks for saving me a pound or two. You make some very good points. From all the hysteria and hoopla I'm getting from the loops (especially the first-timers loop), I honestly believe some view the conference as a time to plant the seeds, but others expect to reap the harvest. Thanks for reminding us that it truly is all in the Lord's hands. He's the great mover and shaker, after all. And I suspect he'd appreciate a chocolate every now and then, too. Or at least want us to enjoy it. Blessings, and see you soon!

  2. Dove dark bites!
    Hope to see you, dear one.

  3. MMm, Patti. I must say, a friend gave us a bag of those and my husband and I forbade him to do so again because they were sooo good. It certainly gave me an insight into why people love chocolate.

  4. JoAnn, I've been to conferences for years and it seemed that the prevailing theme was chocolate. And coffee. Thanks for your comment and I look forward to meeting you too.

  5. You're sure no one in the Bible was motivated by chocolate? Hmmm... I'll just ponder that in my heart until I can check the original Hebrew and Greek.

  6. No chocolates? How about jelly beans? They are my weakness!
    Thanks for the practical encouragement. I loved your reminder to X out the bad stuff. I think I'll post that Scripture reference over my computer.

  7. Ha-ha. Keep me up to date on the Hebrew and Greek, Rick. I'm positive that dove that settled on Jesus was indeed Holy Spirit not a dove chocolate bar.

    Beth, go for the jelly beans! Isn't it good to know He is always there and so intensely interested in what we are doing?
