"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Prayer for the New Year

I pray you have support as a writer this year.
Whatever stage you are at and at whatever crossroads you may encounter,
I pray those around you will be Holy Spirit inspired to speak hope and love and encouragement into your life.

I pray for time to write, energy to write and the anointing to write.
If God has called you to this ministry, I pray an Aaron for you. Someone to lift up your arms when you are tired and to stand by your side murmuring words of constant encouragement into your ear. I pray you will find intercessory prayer warriors to break through supernatural boundaries so that you can do more than humanly possible. I pray you walk in your calling, doing eternal work, and that you are able to accomplish much despite the enemy’s constant onslaught against you.

I pray you reap the rewards of investing your talents instead of burying them, and feel moments where you hear Him say, “well done, good and faithful servant.”
I pray that at your lowest low you can rest and let go and feel His peace,
and at your highest high you can give thanks and feel His glory shine through you, rejoicing!

They say life is short, like a flower. We could burn under the hot summer sun. We could freeze under snowflakes so deep. We could wither or just simply grow old – and we will - this flesh, anyway. But life after this life is long – forever. I pray the scales fall from our eyes and we see as He sees (the beginning of wisdom) so that this next year we keep more than New Year’s Resolutions. We will become one year closer to what He created us to be.

Happy New Year, my dears. And may God bless us (with undeserving grace and mercy), every one!


  1. Thank you. We needed this message today. May God bless your endeavors for Him in the coming year.

  2. I receive this prayer and offer myself to God that all of it might bear witness in my life.

  3. AMEN! This was/is marvelous! So inspiring!
