"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

My Writing Compass: A Bookmarked Reminder (by Darren Kehrer)

I write fiction. Specifically, I write Christian Science Fiction (or some variation of that genre).  Blending science and Christianity can be very challenging.

How far is too far?

How much science is too much science?

How little science is too little of science?

Where does the line cross? Is there a gray area?

In my POV, the Lord gave us science to help appreciate His creation through understanding the wonder and complexity of it all. I’ve noticed, however, that sometimes science and religion/faith can seem to be on opposite sides of the coin.  I prefer to turn the coin sideways to see how they both “fit” and “blend” together. One side of the coin cannot exist without the other.

In my writing, I always try to ensure that I’m not crossing into a gray area that could be seen as “writing over the line” or drifting into “dangerous territory.”  To remind me of my responsibility as a Christian writer, I keep an ACFW bookmark in my Bible to ensure that everything I write and imagine be acceptable in the sight of the Lord. It’s through this lens that everything I write must be filtered…even if speculatively.

The universe is vast with endless wonder and possibilities. I’m blessed that the Lord has given me this gift, but with great imaginative power comes great Biblical responsibility.


  1. Nicely expressed. We certainly wouldn’t want anything we write in any genre too detract from the Truth of Scripture.

  2. "I prefer to turn the coin sideways to see how they both “fit” and “blend” together. One side of the coin cannot exist without the other." I love this line. We can apply the same picture to any fiction writing and faith.
