"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I'm Unpublished, Do I Need a Website?

Greetings everyone. I hope you are having a restful Sunday. Today’s post will be short, as I am typing one-handed. I had a minor wrist surgery last week that has proven a bit of an obstacle in typing, but the show must go on! If nothing more, I hope this will generate some good discussion via the ability to post comments below.

So, should an author with this status devote time, resources, or even funds into constructing a website? I believe the benefits of having a website are valid. Here are some of my reasons:

  • You can establish an online presence.
  • You create an easy connection point for your “potential readers.”
  • You may have the option to create a blog on your site.
  • When guest blogging, you can reference your own site.
  • You can organize, collect, and focus your thoughts.
  • You can let potential readers know what you are working on.

All of these are geared toward making your writing life accessible to your audience (aka potential readers), agents, and so on. You are laying the groundwork for that time when you are published and readers want to know more about you as an author: your likes and dislikes, your current writing projects, your recommendations, etc. You do not want to make your first deal, get published, and then realize that you suddenly do not have a website for readers to find out more about you. Why not have an address and content already in place? It’s the best way to avoid the “website scramble.”

There are many options for you to create a website. A trip to Google will reveal endless pages of possibilities; however, many ISP’s include that option as part of your Internet subscription package (I know Comcast does).

Your website may be basic at first, but as your writing grows and you become published (and thus may be able to devote more time to writing and not to your “other” job), you will have laid the groundwork for your website and will not have to start from scratch. You should make your website look as good as it can, but your financial situation may only allow you to take advantage or your ISP’s or other types of “free” services. But, make the best of what you have at your disposal. It will be good practice for future development.

Even being unpublished, a website (even a basic one) will help you build your audience by giving them a window into your writing room, a place to stop in and see what your working on, and solidify your place in Google’s never ending memory.


  1. ...and, while mine is basic, I have started to build one via Comcast. It is a work in progress, but at least it IS progress. You can link to it via my name over on the right side of this page. Remember, I have just started it and Comcast has a bug that is due to be fixed really soon that will allow me to finish it (they have a hyperlink and change font size issue right now).

  2. I'm still postponing a website. Yours looks good so far, Darren!

  3. Thanks for reminding of all the reasons I should be investing time in a website. I've been hit and miss at working on it. I'm more of a tortoise than a hare (although I frequently try to change my shell in for fur). Good reminder.

  4. Well, honestly, I was already paying for this option as part of my Comcast subscription...I just wasn't using it. It's basic and it's limited, but I thought why not use something I am already paying for and get my feet wet. It's a work in progress and it's up and running. I add content each month and work at figuring out just what I want to do with it. And, like I said, it's good practice for when I really have the time and money to do a professional one..

  5. Great post. You listed very good reasons to start a website. I believe building an online platform is very important. I have been reading author/agent blogs for a few years, and just started a blog of my own recently. For some reason, I don't feel quite ready for a full blown website yet. Maybe in the near future.

  6. Try finding a "free" website that allows you to start a blog within your main homepage. This way, as you grow your blog, your audience will know where to look for your website as well.
