"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Balancing the Scale

I wear ten hats on most days and on others, I don fifty three.

It's the life of a full time Mama playing writer, doctor, nurse, counselor, chef, spiritual guide, financial analyst, church volunteer, teacher, entrepreneur, photographer, and interior decorator to name a few.

And I'm afraid if there is truth to the cliché "life's a balancing act", my scale has an elephant on one side and a pea on the other.

balance scale
For yes, I've completed a novel, but no, my house doesn't look like the Pottery Barn. And yes, I find time to write articles and blog posts, but no, I don't sew my kids clothes or grow my own wheat. But somehow, in today's fast paced world {and blogosphere}, I give into the lie that I must do it all. And when I don't, guilt settles in like an unwelcome guest.

The truth is when I attempt to maintain the perfect balance, I miss out on honing my God-given abilities. And when I try to do everything myself, I forgo opportunities to see community at work--the body of Christ, with it's diverse gifts, coming together to accomplish His purpose.

I must develop the gifts God has given me and choose to do a few things well. For me, this means focusing on nurturing my family and writing.

But even as a writer, I need to remember that I'm not called to write everything. I'll never craft humor like Jenny B. Jones, or suspense like Colleen Coble. But, God has given me a unique voice, and as I continue to write for Him alone {and take time to listen instead of running ahead}, He'll lead me to the right niche.

I'm a daughter of the most high King, a wife and mother, a writer. In that order. So, what about the rest?

Well, I'll let you wear your best hat, and together, we'll build God's kingdom and balance the scale.

Do you struggle with trying to do it all? What writing niche do you sense God leading you to?

Melanie N. Brasher is a full time mama of two boys and wife to an incredible husband who understands her bicultural background. She moonlights as a fiction and freelance writer, crafting stories and articles toward justice and change, and contemplates faith, family, and writing at her personal blog. Though she’s an aspiring author, she’ll never quit her day job.


  1. what an excellent post. I have troubles throwing to much on the scale, then mine tips over...

  2. This was a lovely post. I, too, struggle with balancing that scale! I love the part you stressed about not being called to write everything. Very wise. Enjoy those little boys. They grow up too fast. I know. I've raised 4 of them! (And one girl.) So nice to "meet" you here!

  3. The elephant and the pea! How appropriate. My life seems more like a merry-go-round than a scale at times. Thanks for the encouraging words. It always good to remember God is in control.

  4. Wonderful post. I have two comments.

    First, in one book I'm reading (The Art Of War For Writers), it points out that if you don't think you can write like multi-gazillion selling mega-author, you're right. And multi-gazillion selling mega-author can't write like you either.

    Second, one book that was assigned as a text book is called Balancing Life's Demands by Grant Howard. It looks at God being our center priority and all other priorities are wheel spokes around that circle, with times where we need to give more attention to one section and sometimes to another.

    Thanks again.


  5. You made points that I need to take to heart right now, Joy. Great post!

  6. Joy, your post is refreshing! I definitely need to "choose to do a few things well." :).

  7. Darren, mine tips too many times as well!

    Karla, yes, I must always remember that my kids are my greatest masterpiece. :) Thanks for your wise reminder to enjoy them.

    Thanks, Morgan!

    Mary Allen, oh the merry-go-around. I can relate to that as well!

    Jeff, those are great reminders. God has gifted each of us with unique gifts.

    Thanks, Sally & Marjorie. It's a constant battle to choose to do a few things well, isn't it?
