"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

God is Faithful To Complete His Work

Writers write. That’s all there is to it, however that covers an area as large as life and as diverse as people themselves are. Those who aspire to be authors of published works of fiction may discredit writing for newspapers, magazines, brochures as somehow on a lesser plane. With this line of thinking, poetry or personal journaling falls even farther down the scale. This is simply not true. It may not be your dream assignment, but it is forming and molding you.

Remember that Abraham waited until he was an old man to see the promise of a son fulfilled, but the point was it was fulfilled! God is still in the business of fulfilling promises today.

Pride, self-sufficiency, prejudices, personal relationships, current obligations are some of the blockades God may choose to remove before you find the promise of publication. God wants not only an eager servant but a malleable servant, not just a willing child, but a devoted one.

Before you get out the whip and start chastising yourself for all the ways you’ve failed to write, first consider what you are doing in your life that honors God. Society and our desire to succeed would tell us that we must make it happen. In truth, when we move in God’s timing as God directs, He will make it happen.

That doesn’t give us license to sit in front of the TV eating Cheetos all day long, but it does give us the freedom to be the spouses, parents, children of aging parents that we need to be. It doesn’t mean that writing/publication won’t come with effort and moving beyond uncomfortable boundaries into unfamiliar and terrifying territory, but it does mean you can trust that God’s timing is the best plan.

So all you newbies, all you still-working-at-its, all you frustrated word artists take heart. "Let us

hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23