"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Two Constants

Two constants exist. One is change. People. Politics. Circumstances. Geography. Writing conventions. Word meanings. They all change like the clouds in an Indiana sky.

At my age, I should be used to change, I suppose. I should take it in stride. I've certainly seen enough of it. "Of such is life," I should say. Fact is I don't accept change easily.

Therefore, when the email arrived announcing that our ACFW Scribes small critique group had been disbanded, I was sad. It didn't come as a surprise. Some members now have agents and/or contracts, and their critique needs have changed. While I celebrate the victories in the lives of my fellow Scribes, I will miss the camaraderie, the tough critiques, the prayers and encouragement we shared. 

This year brought other changes, also. I attended two Writer's Digest webinars and the Indianapolis Christian Writers Conference. I also finished the first draft of my second middle-grade novel. Even as I revise that work, I'm writing a third MG and researching for a historical novel set in southern Indiana (using a pseudonym).

What changes will 2012 bring? That's not for us to know.

Which brings me to the second constant: God, our immutable Sovereign. Isn't it a comfort to know that whatever the new year holds, He Who said, "I Am that I Am," already is there. What security! What peace!

New Year's Resolutions--
Resolved: I will write, as the Lord enables and leads.
Resolved: I will submit to select agents and publishing houses.
Resolved: I will wait upon the Lord to work His will in my life and career, acknowledging Him as my Supreme Agent.

Your Turn!
What changes occurred in your life this year that affected your writing? What do you anticipate for 2012? What resolutions have you made relating to your writing? Please leave a comment.


  1. I joined the ACFW this year, and started blogging in early 2011. These things added to learning more about the craft, and platform building.

  2. Changes for me? I, like Loree, joined the ACFW, and to make time I left Toastmasters which I had been with for a decade. (I will state Toastmasters skills help with promoting your book and there's skills to help with writing, if you have time and money for both -- for me it was choose one or the other.)

    The only resolution I have for 2012 is the same one I have every year, which is not to make resolutions. What do I anticipate? Good question. My hope is to find an agent and maybe even a publisher. Sometimes I have very low expectations of what will happen. And I'm nervous about the election, which may affect my outlook.

    By the way, Sharon, I enjoyed getting to talk to you at the Indianapolis Writers Conference. Good workshop with Les Strobbe, wasn't it?


  3. Welcome to ACFW to both of you! I joined three years ago and immediately felt right at home. I hope your experience is similar. I've also learned much from my fellow members.

    Loree, I'd love to read your blog.

    Jeff, it was good to meet you, also. It's always nice to put a person to a name. Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed Mr. Strobbe's sessions. He's a master!

    Write on!
    Because of Christ,
