"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Which Stories Affected You?

When I was in seventh grade, our family visited relatives in Detroit. In the course of the evening, someone turned on a TV and flipped channels to a movie titled The Great Escape. I started watching. Understand that I had no special interest in war or movies about wars. It was just a story. However, as I sat watching this film, which was adapted from a non-fiction book by the same name, my horizons rapidly widened.
In case you're not familiar with the actual events, in World War II the Germans created Stalag Luft III, a prison camp for captured Allied airmen. Even though they were prisoners, these men considered it their patriotic duty to attempt escape. By escaping, they could either make their way back to England, or else they would confuse and harass German troops, who would waste time tracking them down instead of actually fighting on the front. In the end, 76 men escaped in one night. Only 3 made it home, and the Germans machine-gunned the majority of those they captured as a warning against future escapes.

The film captivated me so much that later I read the actual book by Paul Brickhill, who had been a prisoner in the Stalag Luft III. This one story ignited my interest in the far-flung experiences that so many endured during World War II. They have stories worth hearing.

Your turn: Think back. Has there ever been one particular story (whether a movie, a book, or one told verbally) that especially caught your interest and made a long-lasting impact? What was it? Why did it grip you? Please share your comments below.


  1. What stories stuck with me for years? That's easy.

    "Atlas Shrugged" originally for its no-nonsense boldness, more lately for its frightening reality.
    "Out of Africa" for its poignant description of the fading of a beautiful era.
    "Tale of Two Cities" for its ability to inspire.

  2. Star Wars, Star Trek, and various sci fi oriented tv shows....

  3. While there were movies and stories that entertained me, I'd say the first that stayed with me was "And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christy. "Animal Farm" by George Orwell is another one. Then would come "Code Name Sebastian", a Christian James Bond type novel from the late '70's. Honorable mention goes to Stephen King's "The Dead Zone". As far as movie stories, "Superman" and "Chariots of Fire" would be the top of the list. One I saw more recently that also belongs is "A Clockwork Orange".


  4. Coming Home by Rosamund Pilcher - faithfulness in war, Winter Garden by Kristin Hannah - hidden pain and aftermath of war, Little Women.
