"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Trust and Open Doors

An actor friend of mine talked recently about how God was opening doors for her, how things were moving fast in her career as she stepped out in faith. What an uplifting testimony.

However, she's not the only one. God is actively opening doors for you, too.Are you stepping through them in faith, trusting that what God has said, He will bring to pass? Perhaps you are standing on the threshold trying to discern what the future will hold before you take a step.

Do you have a chance at a writing opportunity or the thought that you should participate in a blog or go to ACFW conference when you don't see how it will happen? Perhaps you have a storyline to develop or keep thinking you should contact a particular agent about a particular project.

Not every opportunity will be God's choice, therefore there is a need for prayer and discernment, but if you've been praying for God's leading and a door opens, chances are God opened it. Pray, of course, and listen for confirmation, but don't let fear or logic talk you out of taking that step.

God said he would be a light to our path. Do you see it as a road extending into the unknown with streetlamps like a double strand of glittering beads brightly lighting the way? Even when God reveals the end result, the path to that final place is most often revealed more like a flashlight lighting step by single step.

It takes trust and courage to walk that hidden path, to step through the open door. For each of you authors and authors-to-be in this position today, I pray that you will have the courage to boldly go where the God of Open Doors wants to lead.

Trust in the LORD with your entire heart despite fear and don't depend on your understanding or prejudices that God will do something in a particular way; trust him completely despite the circumstances and he will take care of the obstacles. Proverbs 3:5-6 MAPS (Mary's Amplified and Paraphrased Scriptures)

Mary Allen lives in the Midwest with her husband and a German Short Hair Pointer. She loves God's Word which never changes and also enjoys playing with words which can be endlessly changed. She writes women's fiction and was La Porte County Poet Laureate from 2010-2011.

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