"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Here’s an odd question for my fellow authors: Have you ever built a campfire?

If the answer is Yes, then pause and think how you did that. Do you find one dry stick and light it, then stand back to enjoy your “campfire”? Probably not. Even though you can put a match to one dry twig and get it to burn, thus producing a little light and a bit of heat, you gain a more exciting and dramatic effect when you combine a good number of crisscrossing pieces of wood. Built this way, those combined ingredients result in a brighter, hotter flame!

The campfire illustration reflects just one of the benefits you gain from meeting with fellow American Christian Fiction Writers. Sure, you could sit alone at a computer, pecking away in solitude to create manuscripts, and you can achieve some degree of success that way. However, you do your creative compulsion a great favor when you occasionally meet with fellow servants of God who enjoy linking words to fashion stories and articles. Discussing all the components of quality writing creates an atmosphere of creative synergy that is truly inspirational!

Very soon, on August 11, ACFW-Indiana will be offering another writers’ luncheon meeting in Kokomo with author and editor Holly Miller. Holly is a guest speaker you won’t want to miss. Not only has she served many years as editor at Saturday Evening Post, but she has written 14 books and thousands of published articles and short stories. She definitely knows publishing from both sides of the desk and will bring plenty of experience and advice. Her topic is a valuable one you may not have considered: “Building Your Platform as a Crossover Writer for Magazines.” I’m looking forward to her presentation. Please Mark August 11 on your calendar now, and then email your RSVP to acfwindianachapter@gmail.com right away to guarantee your reservation at The Quarry restaurant. We look forward to seeing you there! (See full details at http://hoosierink.blogspot.com/p/meetings.html.)

Rick Barry


  1. Rick, I think the building a fire concept is so true of ACFW Indana. You and your board are doing a good job of fanning the flames.

  2. Excellent way to describe the Chapter Fellowships. But I'll be honest -- I wasn't sure which direction your campfire was going at first. Was it dealing with a good layered mix of subplots that combine for a strong story? Or it could have been pointing out the importance of having well drawn out supporting/minor characters as well as engaging MCs. And then, you could have been dealing with mentoring and critique groups. There also was a chance you were suggesting a camping trip.

    Have a blessed day.

