"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Friday, November 9, 2012

Christian Writers Events

As I write this, I’m happily sandwiched between two Christian writers events. (No apostrophe, please, because the events are FOR the writers, NOT owned by them.) Both events are nearby. Lucky me!
What’s so great about these events? Why do I wear my writer’s smile for annual events like these?
SEVEN REASONS come quickly to mind:
1 – Spiritual renewal! I remember being caught off guard by this renewing experience at the first Christian writers event I attended decades ago. WOW – what an uplift my soul received! Thank you, Lord! And it happens again and again. . .
2 – Fellowship connections! Who knew that like-minded, like-driven writers can become instant good friends, even living hundreds of miles apart! Another WOW! Even after decades of these special new friends, I still look forward to the meal-time fellowship and other connection opportunities at writers events.
3 – Face-to-face networking! Especially with editors, publishers, and successful authors. And I hope that one of these days, more marketing experts will be in attendance. Since I’m independently published, marketing is one of my growing needs.
4 – Creativity refill! Surely that explains itself. For this very reason, last weekend I attended the Indianapolis Christian Writers Conference. The third novel in my trilogy has been on hold most of this year, and now I’m ready to resume writing. Last weekend provided just the creativity refill I need to zoom ahead to completion.
5 – New information! King Solomon said, “Of the writing of books, there is no end.” I say, “Of the knowledge of the craft of writing and publishing, there is no end.” Writers events keep us authors up-dated and progressing.
6 – Craft review! What Cec Murphy said recently about himself is also true for me. Writers eventually reach a point when they need to review what they’ve forgotten or neglected. And there’s no more inspiring place to do so than at a writers event like the one I’m going to tomorrow in Indianapolis. Bob Hostetler will be speaking to the Indiana Chapter of American Christian Fiction Writers on the topic, “Write Better Right Now.” Just for the record, his book, The Bone Box, is one of the most intriguing Biblical and historical novels I’ve ever read.
7 – NEW BOOKS! They’re the pecan pie for me at writers events. Both to browse and buy from the event bookstores. Need I say more?
I look forward to fellowshipping with many of you Hoosier Ink-ers tomorrow during our quarterly meeting. See you there!
Millie Samuelson


  1. :-) I don't think we've ever met, Millie, but I can hardly wait until we do! Maybe our paths will cross at a writer's event! :-)

    1. I too hope that happens, Karla! Weekend blessings! :-)

  2. It's also fun planning events for our chapter: brainstorming ideas for guests to invite, communicating with these pros in the business, meeting and then of course the being inspired and educated by them. Of course, always fun to fellowship with local writers too!

    1. I'm sure looking forward to tomorrow's meeting -- the first one I've been able to attend in the years I've belonged to ACFW and the Indiana Chapter. Thanks HEAPS for all you do for the rest of us. . . :-)

  3. Millie, I also was at the conference last weekend, and tomorrow will be my first time attending the Indiana chapter meeting. I noticed on your website your familiarity with China. In high school, my best friend was Chinese. I'm looking forward to meeting you tomorrow.

    1. Hi Meghan! Let's be sure to connect tomorrow! I also look forward to meeting you. . . :-)

  4. Millie,

    I had the honor of meeting you at the Indiana Christian Writers Conference. That was a great time. And to be honest, I'm wondering if I get more out of a conference like this one that goes beyond one form of writing. I attended five workshops: two focused on non-fiction, two on fiction, and one dealt with writing craft equally relevant to both styles.


    1. Yes, Jeff, I have to agree with you! And hey, you were missed last Sat! Bob Hostetler was tremendous, and likewise the fellowship (sistership :-) with other writers. . . :-)
