"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Friday, January 11, 2013

A Writer's Pyramid

Nope! I'm not a writer who writes steadily every day for a certain number of words or hours. I write in gulps, or snarfs, or blocks. . . know what I mean?
But I prepare thoroughly for these blocks of time. They don't just happen  these blocks of time that to me are the tips of my writing pyramid. Remember Maslowe's Hierarchy pyramid?! I've applied it to many areas of my life  and it usually works great! Another time I'll blog more about my Pyramid Principle. . . another blog when I'm not focused on my coming writing gulp.
To reach the tip of my current writing pyramid, completing my third historical novel, Jade Cross, I've first had to work through all the underlying layers of the pyramid  or the iceberg, in case you identify with that imagery more easily. Sometimes there are many layers to work through, sometimes just a few. To reach my writing gulp or pyramid tip this time, I've had many layers, including the major layers of buying and selling homes, moving approximately 200 miles (in the same state), and resettling. During those months of moving last year, I didn't even try to write. I only jotted down notes from research and chapter ideas.
So that huge layer is now mostly complete. My research layer is also complete (itself worthy of a blog, but another time). The third layer, inspirational motivation, is also complete, accomplished by heaps of reading (including the Bible and devotionals), communication with God and many others, plus a writing conference  this time, last November's Indianapolis Christian Writers Conference.
These days, I'm working on the last two pyramid layers before I soon reach the tip and write for huge blocks of time, ignoring much of everything else. I can do so because I'm gloriously retired. What are these final layers? Filing and deleting my emails (I'm several thousand behind from last year) and outlining Jade Cross's chapters. I'm nearly done with my chapter outlines because this is the final book in my Yangtze Dragon Trilogy. And some of the chapters are written as well.
I'm so eager to finish Jade Cross! For as I write, I love God's blessings and surprises that develop in my characters' lives and experiences (all based on real people and situations, BTW). So hey, if I miss my next couple of blogs, you'll know where I am  enjoying the bliss at the tip of my writing pyramid!

Millie Nelson Samuelson
Millie's books are available from Amazon in both softcover and inexpensive Kindle:
Women of the Last Supper: 4th Edition
Hungry River: A Yangtze Novel
Dragon Wall: A Great Wall Novel


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Darren! How did you do it?? Nothing I tried worked!

  2. Click on picture, a pop up window opens, choose "small"

    1. Thanks, Darren! Sorry about calling you "Derrick," again. . . you must remind me of a Derrick I once knew (among my thousands of students over the decades). . .

  3. I like that writing gulp thing you do. We all have our own method and it's important to do whatever works for you to get those words on paper. Write on, Millie and thanks for sharing. (Love your books.)

  4. Thanks, Karla! HEY, I always enjoy your HI blogs, even though I may not always comment -- and at the conclusion, I usually breathe a prayer for you, admiring how you "survive" your life and accomplish all you do, especially with words! Thanks for the SUNNY inspiration you are to SO many, including me. . . :-)

  5. I can identify with the writing gulp. I guess I write like I drink coffee. Years ago, I would frustrate waitresses. They'd check on me 20-30 minutes after bringing me my coffee, and it's just as full as it was when they brought it to me. Two minutes later, they walk back by and the cup is completely empty. I find I write like that too, regardless how much I want to write every day.


  6. One question, though, out of curiosity -- Is Dragon Wall in a different series than the others?


    1. Thanks, Jeff, for asking! Dragon Wall is the 2nd novel in my Yangtze Dragon trilogy (set mostly in China and Taiwan, and inspired by my family's experiences there). It's the sequel to Hungry River. Jade Cross is the third novel in the trilogy. My book, Women of the Last Supper, is one book that's had several editions. It's totally different from my China novels. :-)
