"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Self Expression Joins Fiction to Poetry

What a joy self-expression is. Whether writing fiction, poetry, or non-fiction the way the author presents the material, the choice of what is said, even what is left unsaid are indicative of the writer’s personality and experience.

As a child I was delighted when my father made up little ditties or spoke in verse. I never considered how they impacted me until I wrote a poem a day to sharpen my skills of observation and description. Later, I entered the La Porte County Poet Laureate Contest and performed in Arts in the Park for several years.

While studying the gospels, I imagined the motivations and conflicts of the individuals and framed fictionalized poems to express them. “Journey to Christmas” was followed by newly released, “Ten Days to an Empty Tomb” which is the good news of Easter told in story-poems. These contemporary poems explore thoughts and emotions of those encountering the days leading to the Passover, crucifixion, and resurrection. Human nature, reasoning, and choices are revealed provoking thoughtful meditation for those wanting to draw closer to Christ or simply share the story in a new way.

Here are three excerpts. Can you guess the character viewpoint?

These fools will serve this King of Plenty
as Servant Leaders and Ransoms for Many
as for me—there’ll be money and goods to disperse;
I’ll be Minister of Interior, Treasurer of Purse.

I wish I’d been cast from Temple
defrocked and shunned by Jews
for then I’d be pure in heart
with no regrets for what I’ve withheld from You.

Does the earth quake for a human?
Will lightning and thunder toll?
Does the sky split with the world’s weight
while gambling dice are rolled?

This is a FREE DOWNLOAD TODAY, SUNDAY, AND MONDAY, MARY 9, 10, 11.  If you do not have a Kindle Reader, that is a free download too. I hope you will follow the link, download a copy, and share the link with your friends. Perhaps you would even write a review on Amazon or comment on blogs about it. I value your feedback.

 Mary Allen writes from NW Indiana and prays that this Easter be one of deeper joy and greater commitment to our Risen Lord. Many blessings IN ACFW friends.


  1. Thanks for sharing, Mary. As for the three, I know #1 is Judas, and I'm guessing #3 is one of the guards, but #2 has me stumped. It could be Peter, or it could be Nicodemus, or it could be someone else.


  2. Yes, Jeff: #1 Judas, #2 Nicodemus, #3 the Centurion

  3. Thanks for your generous sharing of this, Mary. I can't wait to get to my kindle and read it!

  4. Yep, I was right! Provocative poetry, Mary. Sorry I missed this, but I'm glad to see samples of your talent!
