"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Ten Ways to Know if You’re an Introvert ~ Quiet Book Review

Hi, my name is Meghan, and I’m an introvert.

“Hi, Meghan.”

Welcome to Introverts Anonymous. It’s the perfect group for you because most introverts do, in fact, wish to remain anonymous.

First, though, ten characteristics of introverts to help you know if you’re in the right group. {And please note that everyone is different. In fact, there are no set-in-stone definitions of introvert and extrovert.}

Introverts ~

  1. Prefer lower levels of stimulation, such as reading a book or having a one-on-one conversation with a close friend or family member.
  2. Work more slowly and deliberately than extroverts.
  3. Have significant powers of concentration.
  4. Are not as drawn to the lure of wealth or fame.
  5. Listen more than talk.
  6. Prefer to work alone.
  7. Often feel as if they express themselves better when writing than when speaking.
  8. Feel uncomfortable with small talk.
  9. Avoid conflict.
  10. Avoid risk.
How did you do?

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking details a fascinating history of the rise of psychology and what I would call the idolatry of personality. It is so easy to become immersed in the nitty-gritty of why people are the way they are, but caution must be exercised or one personality “type” will soon be elevated as superior. This, in fact, is exactly what the author says has happened ~ the rise of the Extrovert Ideal.

Yet, introverts have a lot to offer such as attention to detail, thorough analysis, and a steady manner in communication. The American ideal of extroversion has convinced our culture to overlook the contributions of introverts, though, much to our detriment. Much of our modern way of life is the result of the deep thinking and innovation of introverts. Is the author right? I think so, but I would love to hear your opinion.

The writing is superb, and the author includes many personal anecdotes as well as incidents of famous introverts in a story-telling manner, relieving the book from having a research-paper feel. It is not a Christian book from a CBA publisher, so there are many mentions of evolution, secularism, and politics. However, if you can bypass that, Quiet is well worth the read. You will come away from it understanding and accepting your own introversion better or the introversion of a spouse or child. You won’t want to miss the last fifty pages or so about living as or with an introvert.

Above all, I’m reminded that, no matter whether introvert or extrovert, we are all fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of our Creator.

Q4U ~ Are you an introvert? Or are you married to an introvert? What do you think introverts have to offer? I’d love to read your take on introversion in the comments, and I’ll respond to each one.


 Meghan Carver is a 2013 ACFW Genesis semi-finalist and the author of several articles and short stories. After achieving a Juris Doctorate from Indiana University and Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from Millikin University and completing a brief stint in immigration law, Meghan heard God calling her to be at home. Now homeschooling her six children with her college professor husband, Meghan has returned to her first love of writing. She blogs about homeschooling and homemaking at www.MeghanCarver.blogspot.com.


  1. I can answer yes to all the questions but in the right situation my extrovert side comes out.

    Mainly I've had to acquire extrovert traits as a pastor's wife.

    There is a new character trait theory now called "ambivert" and I tend to think that may be what I am.

    Ambiverts have both qualities. I've read it said this way: "Some days you're a snail stuck inside its shell, some days you're a dolphin with stories to tell."

    "You speak elaborately when a topic of interest comes up, go back to being quiet for 30 minutes, and impulsively ask someone a random question that just came to your mind and would like to hear input."

    Great book review!

    1. I have heard of ambiverts, and that's an interesting notion. It makes me wonder if all of us are ambiverts to some extent. Very seldom are we all or nothing of anything. Thanks for sharing the great quotes, and thanks for commenting!

  2. Hi Meghan. Welcome to the Hoosier Ink Blog team. Great first post.

  3. Welcome, Meghan. I'm a lawyer, like you, but I score 8 out of the 10 introvert characteristics. I'm wondering if that's unusual for a lawyer?

    1. Thank you, Kathryn. It's been a while since I read it, but if I remember correctly, the author herself is a lawyer. She often felt out of place in the law firm until she (and others) realized what a great communicator she was because she was calm and collected. She tells a great story about a time when she wasn't sure how to respond in a specific situation and her silence actually helped calmed everyone down. (Sorry for the delay in responding. It's been a busy weekend.)
