"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Participate in Blog Link-Ups to Grow Your Audience

So, you’ve spent what feels like too much time brainstorming, writing, and editing your blog post. You’ve clicked Publish and then sat back with your choice of caffeinated beverage to watch the page views add up. Right?

Congrats if that’s your blog!

As for mine, in the early days I might have had twenty page views on a single post. And that was a high. No amount of caffeinated beverage could make me enthusiastic over that.

Enter blog link-ups, a chance to share my blog post on someone else’s blog.

What is a link-up? Any blogger can use a link tool to allow others bloggers to link-up their own individual blog post permalinks, often with a photo. Many link-ups are offered weekly or monthly, allowing you, as a blogger, to link-up your week’s blog posts.

Where to link up?

Making a Living Writing hosts a link-up for writers on the first Friday of every month. So far as I can tell, it’s not a *Christian* blog, but that doesn’t mean you couldn’t see an increase in traffic from it. I’m planning on linking up this blog post there in July.

Lisa Jo Baker hosts Five Minute Friday every…wait for it…Friday. She describes it as a flash mob of writers all writing about the same one word. At midnight on Thursday, she posts that one word for that Friday’s writing. Then, you write for five minutes about that word, without editing, and post it on your blog. Once yours is posted, you link it up on her blog.

If you keep a journal, you might want to participate in Random Journal Day at Beneath the Surface on the first Friday of every month. I haven’t participated in this, but you open an old journal of yours to anywhere and then post a bit of it and write about it. Be sure to include a picture of the journal. See the site for further guidelines.

Reading List hosts Cozy Book Hop to link up your posts about books you’ve been reading. This is where I link up my book reviews.

My blog genre is primarily homeschooling mom. There are many link-ups available for that type of blog post. I’ve listed only a few. Just be sure to check the host blogger’s guidelines or requirements.

One more idea for you! If you homeschool and want to post a weekly wrap-up, you could start with iHomeschool Network and the Homeschool Journal link-up. As always, be sure to read the guidelines.

Happy blogging!

Q4U: Do you participate in blog link-ups? Which ones would you add?

Meghan Carver is a 2013 ACFW Genesis semi-finalist and the author of several articles and short stories. After achieving a Juris Doctorate from Indiana University and Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from Millikin University and completing a brief stint in immigration law, Meghan heard God calling her to be at home. Now homeschooling her six children with her college professor husband, Meghan has returned to her first love of writing. She blogs about homeschooling and homemaking at www.MeghanCarver.blogspot.com.


  1. Good suggestions, Meghan. Now, since I don't have any children, the home schooling wouldn't work, unless if you know a blog for home schooled cats. No, our cat isn't a great student.

    Now for me, theology blogs would be the greatest interest for me.

    1. A brief google search didn't reveal any blog link-ups related to theology. Maybe you could start your own weekly or monthly link-up? That would certainly increase traffic since they'd all be coming to your blog to link-up.

      I don't know anything about this Pet Blogger Hop, but it came up on google. http://www.lifewithdogs.tv/category/pet-blogger-hop/

  2. Nice blog, Meghan. I wasn't aware of any of these blogs. There's a whole big world out there. Congrats on being a semi-finalist in the 2013 Genesis. Well done.

  3. You've certainly given me some ideas, Meghan! Thanks much.
