"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Monday, November 4, 2013

You are more than you know

Last month I had the enormous pleasure of being mentored by one of my favorite writer-speakers, Patsy Clairmont, at a "Shaking Your Tree" small group workshop in her home.

One of the biggest lessons I learned from Patsy is this: "You are more than you know."

I'd never thought about this before. I never considered the possibility that there is more inside of me that I haven't discovered yet because I think I know myself very well.

Realizing there are hidden gems inside of who I am gave me permission to try out new ideas. Think in new ways.

One of the new ways that Patsy is shaking her own tree is to take art lessons. And she's discovered that she's really good at painting!

It took courage to start painting when she had never done so before. I can't help but wonder -- what if she'd never tried? She'd never know the beautiful things she could create. Just look at that beautiful rooster!

What if you never try to write something you've never tried to write before and inside of you is something beautiful? You're robbing the world of that beauty. Don't just sit there. Shake your tree!

Patsy led us in several activities that helped us to share our own stories. I met some fascinating ladies. There were only eight of us at her table. What an honor it was to not only be in Patsy's presence, but also in the presence of so many talented, beautiful women. Each one had a story of overcoming great obstacles to be where they are today. As I writer, I soaked up every morsel. People's stories fascinate me.

Patsy has a new book coming out in January 2014 entitled Twirl. She generously gave each of us a copy.

My take-aways from spending time with Patsy:

1. I am more than I know (can't wait to find out what and who all I am!)

2. I enjoy mentoring others in the art of writing.

3. My road has been hard, but I am not alone in that fact.

4. I crave beautiful words, well-fashioned turns of phrase, lovely prose.

What about you? Are you ready to delve deep to discover those parts of yourself you haven't met yet?

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You are more than you know. 

Find a fresh pallet to help you tell your story. 

Don't just sit there -- shake your tree!

Patsy and Karla

Karla Akins is the author of  The Pastor's Wife Wears Biker Boots, and narrative biographies for middle grades. You can follow Karla's blog at http://karlaakins.com/blog.


  1. I saw Patsy at Women of Faith once. She was so wonderful--how great you got to spend that time with her, and it sounds as though you definitely got a lot from it.

  2. She is adorable. I'd love to live nearby! :-) Mainly because the spirit of the area is soooo creative. I love Nashville!
