"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Thursday, December 19, 2013

What Have You Accomplished in 2013?

We’re within twelve days of the end of another year, and many of us are probably tempted to cry “Woe is me!” along with Jacob Marley.

I started writing my first novel in the spring of 2011, what I’ve termed writing seriously. I still have no agent, no book contract, no published novel, no block-long lines of adoring fans waiting to get a glimpse of me. Woe is me!

Or is there woe?

A blog post at Books & Such and the resulting comments inspired me to do a year-end inventory. Of course, businesses do this all the time, all those year-end annual reports full of boring numbers. But if writing is our business, why shouldn’t we do a year-end inventory, a listing of all our writing accomplishments, big and small? I don’t want to be prideful. But this exercise could provide that shot in the arm of encouragement with just the right dosage to show ourselves that we are productive even when discouragement whispers that we’re not.

Consider these potential accomplishments, in no particular order except how they jumped into my brain ~

How many books have you started/finished/edited/polished/submitted?
Enter any contests?
Attend any conferences (writing/blogging/marketing)?
Begin or continue to nurture any critique partnerships?
Form any new relationships within the industry?
Write blog posts, whether for your personal blog or guest blogs? How many?
Read craft books?
Meet with a local group?
Take that first step to begin a mentoring relationship?
Follow/learn from blogs within the industry?
Short stories or magazine articles sold?

How did you do? Look at all you’ve accomplished!

Now, rather than lament, you can rejoice like Scrooge that the fog has cleared and the view is glorious.

Merry Christmas, and prayers for a blessed New Year!

Meghan Carver is a pre-published novelist who, as of this blog post, refuses to cry “Woe is me!” but instead count her accomplishments in 2013 including one book written, polished, and submitted; another book started and in the plotting stage; scribbled notes for several more stories; quiz sold to Clubhouse Magazine; attendance at conference; a critique partnership begun; three meetings with the state chapter; 142 personal blog posts; various contributions to other blogs; and semi-final in the Genesis contest. Whew! J


  1. Merry Christmas, Meghan. May the Editor of Christmas Future smile upon your manuscripts in 2014! :)

  2. Meghan, hope you read this comment much belated, but this has been an encouragement.
