"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Monday, April 7, 2014

Write Anyway

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Some days when the going gets tough, I want to curl up in a ball and hide from the world. 

But I know that’s exactly what the devil wants me to do. 

He hates me and my message. He’ll do anything he can to stop it.

Satan hates you and your message, too.

Don’t let him win.

Write anyway. 

Supposedly, the following poem by Mother Teresa, in its original form, is posted on an orphanage wall in Calcutta. (See original here). I’ve paraphrased it below as a poem of encouragement for writers:

When people are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered:
Write anyway.

When you are hurting, in pain, and feel like quitting:
Write anyway.

If you are kind, and people accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives:
Write anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies:
Write anyway.

What you spend years writing, may be rejected and never be published.
Write anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness in writing, others may be jealous:
Write anyway.

The good writing you do today, people will often forget tomorrow.
Write anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough.
Write anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God.
It was never between you and them.
Write anyway.

This entry was originally posted on the Seriously Write blog
Karla Akins is an award-winning, prolific writer of books, short stories, plays, poems, songs, and countless nonfiction articles. Her biography of Jacques Cartier went #1 in its category on Amazon. Her first fiction novel, The Pastor’s Wife Wears Biker Boots was released in 2013. Her short stories have been published in four Splickety Magazine editions. When she's not reading she's writing. When she's not writing she's zooming along on her motorcycle, looking for treasure. You can learn more at KarlaAkins.com - See more at: http://fullflavoredliving.blogspot.com/2014/03/god-will-make-way.html#sthash.2YQRUACv.dpuf
Karla Akins is an award-winning, prolific writer of books, short stories, plays, poems, songs, and countless nonfiction articles. Her biography of Jacques Cartier went #1 in its category on Amazon. Her first fiction novel, The Pastor’s Wife Wears Biker Boots was released in 2013. Her short stories have been published in four Splickety - See more at: http://fullflavoredliving.blogspot.com/2014/03/god-will-make-way.html#sthash.2YQRUACv.dpuf

Karla Akins is an award-winning, prolific writer of books, short stories, plays, poems, songs, and countless nonfiction articles. Her biography of Jacques Cartier went #1 in its category on Amazon. Her first fiction novel, The Pastor’s Wife Wears Biker Boots was released in 2013. Her short stories have been published in four Splickety Magazine editions. When she's not reading she's writing. When she's not writing she's zooming along on her motorcycle, looking for treasure. You can learn more at KarlaAkins.com - See more at: http://fullflavoredliving.blogspot.com/2014/03/god-will-make-way.html#sthash.2YQRUACv.dpuf
Karla Akins is an award-winning, prolific writer of books, short stories, plays, poems, songs, and countless nonfiction articles. Her biography of Jacques Cartier went #1 in its category on Amazon. Her first fiction novel, The Pastor’s Wife Wears Biker Boots was released in 2013. Her short stories have been published in four Splickety Magazine editions. When she's not reading she's writing. When she's not writing she's zooming along on her motorcycle, looking for treasure. You can learn more at KarlaAkins.com - See more at: http://fullflavoredliving.blogspot.com/2014/03/god-will-make-way.html#sthash.2YQRUACv.dpuf
Karla Akins is an award-winning, prolific writer of books, short stories, plays, poems, songs, and countless nonfiction articles. Her biography of Jacques Cartier went #1 in its category on Amazon. Her first fiction novel, The Pastor’s Wife Wears Biker Boots was released in 2013. Her short stories have been published in four Splickety Magazine editions. When she's not reading she's writing. When she's not writing she's zooming along on her motorcycle, looking for treasure. You can learn more at KarlaAkins.com - See more at: http://fullflavoredliving.blogspot.com/2014/03/god-will-make-way.html#sthash.2YQRUACv.dpuf

http://www.amazon.com/Karla-Akins/e/B0068QA3DY/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_pop_1Karla Akins is an award-winning, prolific author of books, short stories, poems, plays, songs and countless nonfiction articles. Her biography of Jacques Cartier rose to #1 in its category on Amazon. Her first fiction novel, The Pastor's Wife Wears Biker Boots was released in 2013. Her short stories are published in Splickety and Havok magazines. She recently signed a contract with Beacon Hill Press for her book about autism entitled, Pie in the Sky, due for release in late 2014. When she's not reading she's writing. When she's not writing she's zooming down the road on her motorcycle in search of treasure. Learn more at KarlaAkins.com
Karla Akins is an award-winning, prolific writer of books, short stories, plays, poems, songs, and countless nonfiction articles. Her biography of Jacques Cartier went #1 in its category on Amazon. Her first fiction novel, The Pastor’s Wife Wears Biker Boots was released in 2013. Her short stories have been published in four Splickety Magazine editions. When she's not reading she's writing. When she's not writing she's zooming along on her motorcycle, looking for treasure. You can learn more at KarlaAkins.com - See more at: http://fullflavoredliving.blogspot.com/2014/03/god-will-make-way.html#sthash.c7vAyLWK.dpuf
Karla Akins is an award-winning, prolific writer of books, short stories, plays, poems, songs, and countless nonfiction articles. Her biography of Jacques Cartier went #1 in its category on Amazon. Her first fiction novel, The Pastor’s Wife Wears Biker Boots was released in 2013. Her short stories have been published in four Splickety Magazine editions. When she's not reading she's writing. When she's not writing she's zooming along on her motorcycle, looking for treasure. You can learn more at KarlaAkins.com - See more at: http://fullflavoredliving.blogspot.com/2014/03/god-will-make-way.html#sthash.2YQRUACv.dpuf
Karla Akins is an award-winning, prolific writer of books, short stories, plays, poems, songs, and countless nonfiction articles. Her biography of Jacques Cartier went #1 in its category on Amazon. Her first fiction novel, The Pastor’s Wife Wears Biker Boots was released in 2013. Her short stories have been published in four Splickety Magazine editions. When she's not reading she's writing. When she's not writing she's zooming along on her motorcycle, looking for treasure. You can learn more at KarlaAkins.com - See more at: http://fullflavoredliving.blogspot.com/2014/03/god-will-make-way.html#sthash.2YQRUACv.dpuf

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