"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

That's Relationship

While I know our next newsletter will give you the full report on ACFW Indiana’s August  meeting, I want to share one take-away with you. 


Our wonderful panel of Cara Putman, Sarah Forgrave, and Michele Israel Harper touched on the word “relationship” off and on throughout the energetic back-and-forth between members and guest speakers for over two hours. Apparently, no one wanted to go home!

1. Relationships between the writer and the readers.

One definition of success as an author is: “If we have touched one life, our efforts are worth it.”

“Touched.” That’s relationship. Maybe the reader sends a note of appreciation. Wonderful! Encouragement for the writer! Or, we may never connect personally, but our words deeply affected the reader.

2. Relationship between the writer and the agent/editor. 

“Mine the passion.”  
That’s where the relationship starts—in the first interview or query. Even earlier. Writers can always send out a feeler to a prospective agent/editor if they expect to meet with them one-on-one at a conference. When we put our hearts into describing our work, the agent or editor can tell, and it gives them goosebumps.

“Have fun with pitching.”
Consider every pitch session as a practice run. That attitude will help the writer de-stress,  and once they’re relaxed, the agent/editor can get a sense of who he or she is as a person. They will find connection. And that’s relationship.

Once a writer has a contract, either with a publisher or an agent, the business relationship begins. The spark that brought both sides together needs to build. The agent will be diligent to promote the author’s work. The writer will make sure to follow through with deadlines. The publisher will provide the necessary expertise in creating and directing a marketing plan. Each successful communication strengthens the ties among professionals.

3. Relationships between writers.

Meetings like ours on August 11th drive the point home. Old friends reconnect. New friendships are forged. Writers learn from other writers. Established authors share their expertise with  budding authors. The energy in the room can power the electrical grid in three states!

4. Relationship between writer and God.

 God called you to write. Right? The relationship between God and you—His child—is vital. He has the long-term perspective. He knows your writing road. He knows the detours and the rest stops and the final destination of your manuscript. Trust Him. That’s relationship.

Linda Sammaritan writes realistic fiction, mostly for kids ages ten to fourteen. She is currently working on a middle grade trilogy, World Without Sound, based on her own experiences growing up with a deaf sister.
Linda had always figured she’d teach middle-graders until school authorities presented her with a retirement wheelchair at the overripe age of eighty-five. However, God changed those plans when He gave her a growing passion for writing fiction. In May of 2016, she blew goodbye kisses to her students and dedicated her work hours to learning the craft. She still visits the school and teaches creative writing workshops.
Where Linda can be found on the web: www.lindasammaritan.com

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