"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Monday, April 22, 2019

The Writing Toolbox: One App to Rule Them All?

We all have our favorite writing apps, note taking apps, picture apps, and apps that keep track of ideas. In fact, regardless of your technology platform, writers have many choices these days. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” might not really apply as strongly as it did before app stores became populated with so many apps for writers.

These days, Microsoft Office is not the only writing app out there. Yes, once it was the staple of the writing industry (well, besides pen, paper, or typewriter), but now it’s just a choice among many.  As Mr. Scott of the starship Enterprise once said, “How many times have I told you? You need the right tool for the right job.” (Star Trek V, for those wondering).

Because I write on the Apple technology platform, I will be suggesting a few apps that I have found useful. By the way, Apple does a great job of categorizing “writing apps” on their respective app stores (Mac App Store vs iOS App Store).

Apple Pages, Keynote, and Numbers are the “Apple versions” of Microsoft Office. These three apps have come along way since they were first introduced as the iWork suite back in 2005. The bonus here is that all three apps are free. When funds are limited, they can give those using Apple technology a ready to use set of applications that are robust in options and not considered entry level software.

Other software useful to writers:
Story Planner
Lists for Writers
MS OneNote
Inkflow Plus
Notepad Pro

The bottom line here is that many apps specialize in different purposes: sketching out visuals, mind mapping, giving you a place to organize your ideas, and to actually construct your story. Everyone has their favorite app, but be sure not to limit yourself. Many apps offer free trials or a limited free version that allows you to test how useful it would be to your needs.

Points of Discussion: What are some of the apps you use for your writing needs?

Write on, Write often, and Write to make a difference!
-Darren Kehrer


  1. There are SO MANY apps. The trick is finding a few that fit your needs and then learning now to use them.
