"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Reflections on Being Together and On What's Ahead

What a fun and inspiring day 23 of us enjoyed together in Kokomo on June 25th, soaking up writerly vibes from each other and the four talented guest speakers who gave of their time to help sharpen our individual writing skills. The South Branch of the Kokomo Public Library System served our needs so well. And what better place for a group of enthusiastic writers to gather than at a library?

morning "Pitch Party" session with Cara Putnam

As Linda mentioned that day, our chapter is in need of some new/different leadership. The four of us have greatly enjoyed putting together programming and getting to know many of you better over the past several years. But it is time for some of us to move on and others to switch roles, so we are looking for people to step into leadership for this awesome and growing group of (mostly!) Hoosier writers.

Maybe at this point you are just interested in dipping your toes into the stream. You have an interest but are hesitant to jump into the deep end. If that’s the case, please let us know! We promise not to leave you on your own immediately, without a lifeguard. Others of you may be eager to race for the diving boards and make a big splash. Whatever your level of interest, we implore you to ask questions, ponder, pray, and get in contact with one of us—Linda, Jenny, Rebecca, Beth.

It's also time to check in with you about topics for future meetings. As general planning for next year is already underway, we need to hear from you. As you continue to grow in your journey as a writer—

·        What challenges are you facing?

·        What conundrums have you perplexed?

·        What areas pose the biggest headaches for you?

·        What could we do as a chapter that would be a shot in the arm for you as a writer?

Sharing your needs, ideas, and even your greatest discouragements will help next year’s programming be more effective and insightful. So, please, give some thought to what you need and would like to see on next year’s slate of events.

We are in this together, folks. And isn’t that great? No one understand better than a fellow writer the desire to put words to paper, to pen stories and poems and articles. That why it’s so beneficial when we make connections with other writers. Because let’s face it, “regular, normal” people don’t get it. They don’t understand the intense, burning, compelling need to write. But no explanations are necessary when sharing space—via online means or in person—with your writing peeps. Thank God for writing peeps!

We need to hear from you! About a leadership role AND about discussion/presentation topics for next year. Please comment below OR shoot an email to: acfwindianachapter@gmail.com



  1. Thank you, Beth. I love your choice of words in putting together this message, especially the swimming analogy!

  2. I'd earlier expressed interest in assuming a role again, but as my chemo may extend through this year, I'm reluctant to commit.

  3. How about you submit a piece as you are able, and I will step aside that month and have you post instead?

  4. All of us appreciate the creative leadership that you've provided, especially by inviting such inspirational guest speakers over the past couple of years. We don't say it often enough, but THANKS for challenging us to grow.
