"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Best of the Trade

The well-known golf trainer, Harvey Penick kept a pocket journal of advice for golfers. After years of accumulated entries, a writer friend suggested Harvey share the information as a book. Harvey agreed, and the two prepared the manuscript and submitted it to a publisher. Later, Harvey’s wife received a phone call from the publisher who explained; they would like to publish the book for ninety-thousand dollars.

Mrs. Penick shared the news with Harvey, and after a few days the excited couple contacted the publisher. “Yes, we want to publish the book,” Mrs. Penick said, “and we plan to take out a second mortgage to help fund the ninety-thousand dollars.” Naturally, the couple was surprised to learn their mistake—they were going to receive ninety-thousand dollars for the rights to print the books.

Like the Penicks who misunderstood the publisher’s offer, Christian writers accept the call to the writing ministry and often think they are making a sacrifice. After all, they must rearrange their lifestyle to make time for their calling. Ironically, they are surprised to learn that working for Christ is more rewarding than first anticipated. While sacrificing the time to nurture their calling, writers grow spiritually, stretch their brains, and become a blessing to others. Truly, the writer gets the best of the trade.

Prayer; Thank you Jesus, for your calling to write, which is more valuable than riches.

Source; The Forest for the Trees by Betsy Lerner
ISBN 1-57322-152-x Riverhead Books New York 2000 pp160

1 comment:

  1. Marvelous story! And marvelous comments by you, Kenny! Thanks -- I feel inspired and encouraged. . . :-)
