"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

By writing much, one learns to write well..." Robert Southey

My first book, Prescription for Murder, took me almost five years to write and rewrite. And rewrite. And rewrite. I would write for a few months then stop for a few months. Like many writers, I gave in to the demands of life and put my dream of finishing a book on the back burner for long stretches of time.

That book is a mess. It’s full of plot holes, loads of backstory, little conflict, and so much amateur writing that I’d be horrified for any of you to read it. LOL. My second book is a little better. I can see improvement in the way the story flows and in the character development. When I try to dissect what made the difference I can only think that most of the second book was written in a much shorter amount of time. The sections that are written the best are those from my time of writing consistently.

When writing the first book there was no way I could stay deep into the story when I'd go weeks or months between each scene. I lost my groove and when that happens it's hard to write a cohesive story.

I think that’s why I like the above quote so much. It makes perfect sense when you think about it.

What about you? Are you writing consistently? If not--Quit talking about writing--Quit thinking about writing--Start writing!!! You’ll see progress, I promise. :)

Sabrina Fox~


  1. Yes, Sabrina, those hours and hours of practice add up :-) I, too, look at some of my early efforts and shudder.
