"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Saturday, January 29, 2011

"If" = "When"

I posted this on my blog yesterday, hopefully it encourages us on our writing journey this year.

This week I had the pleasure of hearing a dear friend dish on the details of a business venture she is planning. Thinking through names, probabilities, and finances are big thought processes. It was fun dreaming right along with her as she takes real, tangible steps toward making this plan a reality. I know her well enough to recognize that this area is what she is clearly gifted in.
Too easy it becomes to say “If…” “Maybe when…” “Not sure if I can…” “Other people, not me…”
Let’s work to replace the indefinite, the insecurities, with plans to proceed. We can start by changing the wordage of “If…” into “When…” every time the dream tries to slip away. My dreams include being a full-time writer and eventually I’d love to have photography become more than a hobby.
It is insanity how we have learned to berate ourselves, minimize our talents as if false modesty is more becoming than contagious excitement at our skills. We ALL have them! It is a beautiful thing, talent. Every single person shares a creative gene with God.
Today, write it down. Commit your dream to paper. Share it with someone who will ask about it. Dictionary.com defines “when” in a useful way for this purpose. Take a peek, dare to dream- then take the first step.
–adverb 1. at what
time or period? how long ago? how soon?:under what circumstances? upon what occasion?

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