"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Friday, January 14, 2011

Maybe Next Month. . .

ALAS, I guess I'll pass on blogging this month. I'm not sure why, as I have several topics I want to share thoughts about – like three children's picture story books I'm slowly (very slowly) working on (in addition to two novel sequels). The first is about "Grandma's Swallowing Purse," the second about "Grandma's Special Stones," and the third about "Grandma's Surprise Swim with the Dolphins." (Yep, they're "fiction," but based on guess whose experiences?). Maybe I'll share more about children's books next month. . .

I've also been thinking about sharing some thoughts and eliciting some from you on using the supernatural (including ghosts) in our fiction. Maybe more on that topic next month. . .

And recently I scanned a book by M.F.K. Fisher that I'd like to ponder with you, especially what she says about creativity needing periods of "waiting." Towards the end of her book, she talks about the “waiting” that’s necessary for creativity – it’s not "laziness" or “dawdling” but a necessary “waiting,” she says. I like that: it describes so well what I sometimes experience, and seem to be experiencing these days. Maybe more on "waiting" next month. . .

While I WAIT for next month, here's a HUGE THANKS for all the great blogs on our Hoosier Ink Blogspot! I comment only occasionally, but that's not a fair record of how much I enjoy the blogs, and learn from them. Many I read more than once. SO THANKS AGAIN to all you Hoosier Inkers! And may this New Year be blessed with just the right amount of "creative waiting" for each of us.

Millie Samuelson


  1. I'm looking forward to all these topics, Millie. I call the "waiting" the pot simmering on the back burner. Definitely makes a good difference!

  2. Thanks, Steph, I'll try not to let you down (but no promises). And hey, I like that "pot simmering" imagery. . . :-)
