"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Keyboard Shortcuts for the Busy Writer

Even though I’ve taught computer for ten years, I’m still surprised at the increasing skill level of students each semester. Every year I have to raise the bar and increase the workload for students because they continue to complete the projects before the semester is over. One of the most valuable strategies I use, which always seems valuable is the use of keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Office programs.

Most of us know a few keyboard shortcuts; While you hold down the CONTROL key, press P and it brings up the PRINT window. Hold down the CONTROL key and press S and it saves your work. Hold down the CONTROL key and press O and the computer opens the open file location window.

But there are dozens of other useful shortcuts, which can be used as time-savers for writers. Below are a few favorites. Many of these also work in programs other than Microsoft Word. I hope you can find something you can use. Keep in mind that text must first be highlighted before applying the shortcut. (To highlight all text in the document; hold down the CONTROL key and press A )

CTRL+A Selects all words in document.
CTRL+B Make the highlighted text bold
CTRL+I Make highlighted text italic
CTRL+U Make highlighted text underline
CTRL+SHIFT+< Decrease the font size of the highlighted text
CTRL+SHIFT+> Increase the font size of the highlighted text
CTRL+C Copy the selected text or object
CTRL+X Cut the selected text or object
CTRL+V Paste text or an object
CTRL+Z Undo the last action (up to 40 moves backwards)
CTRL+Y Redo the last action (the opposite of above)
CTRL+N Create a new blank document
CTRL+W Close a document
CTRL+SHIFT+W Underline words but not spaces
CTRL+SHIFT+D Double-underline text
CTRL+SHIFT+K Format letters as small capitals
CTRL+1 Single-space lines
CTRL+2 Double-space lines
CTRL+5 Set 1.5-line spacing
CTRL+E Center a paragraph
CTRL+L Left align a paragraph
CTRL+R Right align a paragraph
LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW Move one character to the left or right
SHIFT+LEFT ARROW Select or unselect one character to the left
SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW Select or unselect one character to the right
CTRL+BACKSPACE Delete one word to the left
CTRL+ENTER A page break
ALT+CTRL+C The copyright symbol
ALT+CTRL+R The registered trademark symbol
ALT+CTRL+T The trademark symbol
SHIFT+F3 Change the case of letters
F7 Choose the Spelling command (Tools menu)
F12 Choose the Save As command (File menu)
Shift + F7 Opens the thesaurus
ALT+F4 Quit Microsoft Word
F12 Opens the save as window
CTRL+LEFT ARROW Move one word to the left
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW Move one word to the right
CTRL+DELETE Delete one word to the right
CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW Select or unselect one word to the left
CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW Select or unselect one word to the right
CTRL+END To the end of a document
CTRL+HOME To the beginning of a document


  1. Good list to have near the computer :)

  2. Wow. I use a few of these but had no idea there were so many. Thanks, Kenny.

  3. Nice. Thanks for sharing this useful information.

  4. I learned a few of these at work. Wow! There are a lot more than I expected.

  5. Marvelous list, Kenny! I'm making copies to have beside my desktop and carry with my laptop. THANKS! :-)

  6. Oh my goodness, this is so amazing!

