"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Friday, March 11, 2011


I thought I might be in trouble last month when I recklessly promised to share ten reasons not to luv a Kindle this month – and I was right! I’ve been trying to scrape together ten reasons ever since. I asked some of you to help me out, so let’s see if together we can reach ten. . .

FIRST REASON: A Kindle is more expensive than a book. For that price, I could get about ten books. AH, but a Kindle is more than one book – it’s hundreds, and I can easily get enough free books to read forever. . .

SECOND REASON (from Kathryn Page Camp): “It’s so easy to download books and have room for them, that I’m more likely to buy books I have to pay for but don’t have time to read right now. It’s great that I can download the free ones and read them when I get to them, but when I pay money, that’s something else.” Like Kathryn said to me when she suggested this reason, it’s pretty weak. . .

THIRD REASON (also from Kathryn): “I can’t read it in the dark. My Kindle is a year old, so maybe they have a backlight option now. Actually, I would rarely use the backlight option – the Kindle is much easier to read in normal light – but it would be nice to have.” I (Millie) have yet to try to read mine in the dark. In fact, I’ve found mine easier to read than regular books, partly because I can change the font size. And there are special reading lights for Kindles.

FOUR: (also from Kathryn – THANKS HEAPS for your three reasons, KPC! I needed them to try to reach ten!): “If I am reading along and want to go back and check on something, it’s much harder to do than with a paper book. YEP, I sure agree with Kathryn here! However, since Kindle has recently added page numbers, maybe that will help a bit. But still, there’s something about flipping pages here and there in a book to find something or to reread a passage that I just can’t do easily on the Kindle – A HUGE NOT TO LUV. . .

FIVE: The Kindle “spoils” or prevents my usual reading style that I learned from my beloved Mom – I read the first chapters, then read the last few to see if I want to take the time to read the in-between ones. Philosophy behind that: time is too precious to waste. . . (I know, I know – this causes LOTS of debates in reading groups I'm in, so I’ve plenty of rebuttal answers, plus LOTS of "converts," too (try me. . . :-)

SIX: Hmmm, I'm looking through my notes. . . oh yes, my Kindle is just black and white, no color, at least not yet. And I do miss color. . . a teeny bit anyway, especially for book covers. But thankfully, I have a great imagination, so it doesn’t take black and white long to become color in my mind while I’m reading.

SEVEN: I can’t give away or loan my Kindle books. I hear with the Nook you can exchange unlimited numbers of books with other Nook users. Supposedly, we Kindle users can now share a book with one other Kindle user, but I haven’t done it yet. Have any of you? Oh well, my kids and grandkids will probably be glad not to get any more boxes of “Mom’s old books”. . .

EIGHT: I can’t show and pass around the next book/s to read in my book club at church, and that’s a rather nice ritual. Luckily, so far someone else has always had the book to show. I wonder what we’ll do when we all have Kindles? Choose a designated reader to bring the book/s from the library?

NINE: Hmmm, I’ve looked through all my notes, and all I find are more reasons to luv a Kindle. So how about this? I can't see or lovingly touch my book friends on my Kindle like I can my real ones on my book shelves. That’s really weak, I know, but I'm trying to reach ten. . .

TEN: Nope, I truly can’t think of a tenth reason not to luv my Kindle, not even another weak reason like “nine” above. You won the bet, friend Bob Burns! So hey, help me out someone, please, with another reason not to luv our Kindles. . .

YAY, it's bedtime, and I can’t wait to get to my evening Kindle read – I’m on about my sixth book since last month, Angel Time by Anne Rice. It’s a marvelous read, and a great testimony about an unusual Christian conversion experience.

Millie Samuelson


  1. A strong, one and only, disadvantage of Kindle is that if one is writing an essay on "The Reasons Not To Luv Kindle" one can only come up with three or four weak reasons! Nap time! Big Dog On The Porch (BDOP)

  2. 10th reason to not luv my kindle.

    When I am traveling, I have found that I get more deeply engrossed in the story. I can tune out the noise around me.

    Downside is I almost missed my plane coming home from the ACFW Board meeting in February.

  3. HEY "anonymous" Big Dog -- hope you've collected enough on your "bet" that you can now get a Kindle without picking up hundreds of pop cans and selling them for the $$. . . :-)

  4. Hi Sharon -- I LUV your comment and experience -- I'm smiling and identifying! I'll have to be sure and keep alert when I'm flying here and there in a couple of weeks -- with a BUNCH of new books to read and my Bible and devotional all in one sleek, little Kindle. . . YEP, I SURE DO LUV my Kindle. . . :-)
