"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Monday, April 1, 2013

The Pastor's Wife Wears Biker Boots

I really am a Pastor's Wife who wears biker boots.

I get asked a lot if my new book is about me. It's not. But I drew on a lot of my experiences as a pastor's wife and "biker chick" when I wrote it.

Today I got my book trailer from the Editor-in-Chief at Pelican Book Group. This is one of the FUN things about being a writer. All that hard work capsulized in a video! And it makes it look so movie-like, doesn't it?

Do you like book trailers? Do they make a difference for you when deciding to read a book? I know they do influence me.

I'd love your feedback on my trailer, so please leave a comment below.

(I don't yet know my release date but I'll keep you posted.)

And don't forget to hang on.

It's gonna be a wild ride!

 Karla Akins is author of the best-selling Jacques Cartier (that went #1 on Amazon in its category)O Canada! Her Story and  Sacagawea. Her debut novel The Pastor's Wife Wears Biker Boots  is due out in 2013When she's not writing she dreams of riding her motorcycle through the Smoky Mountains.


  1. Karla, your trailer is interesting, and it doesn't turn me off like most of the ones I've seen. Usually they are so dull (or so totally off the wall) that I expect the book to be the same. So when they do influence me, it's usually a negative influence.

  2. Sorry, I never watch book trailers, and reading about yours here didn't change my mind. BUT HEY, I DO like and enjoy the way you write! So your coming book will tempt me to get it. . . :-)

  3. I thought this was very well done and will expect a romping ride of a read when it's out.

  4. Wow, Millie and Kathryn, I am so glad you shared your thoughts about book trailers here. It makes me wonder how many other readers don't like them? And I do agree that some are dull. Mary, I do think the trailer is a good depiction of the book. :-) Thanks for weighing in and if you do read it, be sure to let me know if you like it! Write on, ladies!

  5. I love your trailer. Truthfully, I never watch them, but then I got MINE from Pelican Book Group www.youtube.com/watch?v=739bllaJc8w and it changed my mind a lot. :-) Your book sounds great!

  6. Karla, I don't normally watch book trailers just because I'd rather read the blurb. I have a hunch that more visual people and younger people prefer them. Your goal is to reach as many people as possible so this is one way of doing it. I did watch this and I liked it. I think it gives the important info., evokes interest, and sets the tone for a fun and enjoyable ride. Congrats on livin' the dream!

  7. I think these are interesting observations. It makes sense to me that readers would rather READ about the book than watch a video about it! But yes, perhaps it's better for reaching a demographic of readers who are visual and have a steady diet of commercialism in their souls. Who knows.

    Liz! Your trailer is soft just like the title! And PINK! Love the pink.

    Nikki, haven't we come a long way from when we sat in Doc's class? Wow. God is so good! Thanks for checking in and reading, ladies!

  8. Great trailer, with one problem. For some reason, my computer doesn't get the volume for You-tube or something -- it gets volume for some things but not others.

    The book sounds great.

    Have a blessed day.

