"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Monday, March 3, 2014

Warrior Writer or Sitting Duck?

If you want to write for God's Kingdom, fair warning.

You are a target.

No, not the store.

A real target.

Smack dab in the middle of the devil's cross hairs.

In my case, the weapon the enemy uses to keep me from writing is Distractions:
  • Family illnesses
  • Family crises
  • Finances
  • My own health
  • Church drama (I'm a pastor's wife and when I say drama, I don't mean the Christmas Pageant)
  •  Temptation of emails, social media, reading the Internet front to back 
  • Procrastination
  • Depression
  • Feelings of being overwhelmed
  • Fear
The list goes on.

I don't think the enemy would work so hard if our message wasn't important. I don't think he'd try to stop us if he wasn't afraid of us.

We mustn't let him win. We need arm ourselves with God's Word, spending time in our Master's Presence and asking the Lord to anoint us. If He's called us to write, that means He ordains time to write. But that doesn't mean the enemy won't try to steal it from us. He is, after all, a liar and a thief. If he can't convince us something else is more important than our writing time, he'll put obstacles in the way.

Are we as active fighting against the distractions and roadblocks of the enemy as he is in creating them?

I like to meditate on the following verse as I write each day:

Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight! 
Psalm 144:1

Since I do most of my writing on the computer, I picture my fingers and hands as weapons in fighting the darkness. Every keystroke another arrow of light.

When you think of this writing gig in terms of being a warrior, it seems rather important, doesn't it? 

Whether you like it or not, you're a target. You can passively sit by and let the enemy of doubt, unbelief and fear shoot you down and take you out of the war, or you can take up your sword and fight against the weapons he aims at you.

Tell me, dear writer, are you armed and ready for battle?

What will you do today to fight back?

Karla Akins is an award-winning, prolific writer of books, short stories, plays, poems, songs, and countless nonfiction articles. Her biography of Jacques Cartier went #1 in its category on Amazon.

Karla is also a pastor’s wife, mother of five, and grandma to seven beautiful little girls. She lives in Northeast Indiana with her husband, twin teenage boys with autism, mother-in-law with Alzheimer’s and three rambunctious dogs. When she’s not writing she’s riding her motorcycle, taking pictures, and looking for ancient treasure.


  1. Great post Karla! A bit of needed encouragement to get on with it now that sickness, like Elvis, has left the building. Congrats on #1 for Jacques Cartier bio. Well done.

    1. Thanks for reading, Mary! It's been a tough winter, hasn't it? Glad you're feeling better. Thank you also for the congratulations. I appreciate it! I know I'm fighting distractions as much as anyone but we can't let the enemy have our writing time. Here's praying the Lord restores what the enemy steals! Praise God!

  2. Well said, Karla! I know when my little book was about to be published and right after, the attacks came big time. I knew it was a threat to the enemy. I love the scripture you provided as well as picturing our hands and fingers as little warriors. Needed that encouragement!

    1. Mel, I think one of the worst times of my life was when my first novel was released. But as long as we keep getting back up and don't let the enemy keep us from writing, I believe God's grace will keep us going! Thanks for your comments and may you find rich grace as you make war with your fingers! :-)
