"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Why Write?

By Kelly Bridgewater

Why write? That is a good question. As writers, we spend many hours sitting with our butt in the chair, talking to our characters and plotting our storylines mixed with climax and rising action. We attend writing conferences with published and unpublished authors. We enjoy talking about our characters, either good or bad, without worrying what anyone else says.

Inspiration can come from anywhere. An argument seen at the mall. A glimpse of case or incident on the evening news. An idea while waiting for the children to be picked up from school. I don’t know about you, but my ideas always come when I’m far away from a piece of paper, so I slip out my Samsung Galaxy Note and write myself a reminder note. I enjoy watching a number of crime shows on television. Sometimes I see an idea on the show, than I wonder how I can flip the incident around a little and make it something of my own.

But with all this craziness called the writing life, what is the ultimate reason for doing it?

One of my favorite writing books is Writing for the Soul by multi-published and best seller Jerry B. Jenkins.  He says, “I call writing a sacred profession because I believe God chose the written word to communicate with man” (55). When we write, we are pouring our hearts onto the page. We create characters to go through the troubles of life, however, as Christians, we allow God to help heal them. In return, we allow our readers to experience true healing through Christ even if it is through make believe characters. “Allow yourself to be moved,” Jenkins further writes, “and write what moves you” (56). If we aren’t moved by the power of God, will our readers?

Isn’t that our entire purpose for writing? To lead more people to the saving grace of God. I pray before I sit down and write every word. I want God to do what he wants with my plot line. I want him to use me to write a story that will draw even one person to him. That is the legacy I want a reader in the future who picks up my books to say: That I led them to a better understanding of the love of God.  It doesn’t matter if I make the New York Times best-seller list, but I have sold my soul to the world and didn’t share my love of God with others.

I believe we have a great responsibility every time we sit down and write the words God has laid on our hearts. We wouldn’t be having the desire to write if God didn’t give us the urge to create every single day.

What is your purpose in writing? Do you want to lead others to God with your words?

Jenkins, Jerry B. Writing for the Soul. Cincinnati: Writer’s Digest Books, 2006. Print.


  1. I want to make a positive imprint on the mind of the reader. That imprint may not be earth-shaking, but if I can shed some light or influence that person for good and glorify God along the way, I am content. Thanks Kelly!

    1. Thank you, Rick for reading my post! I pray your writing "influences others for good and glorify God along the way." Merry Christmas!
