"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Monday, April 6, 2015

You have to be a little loopy to be a writer

I recently had the privilege of signing and selling books for two days with three other Hoosier writers and members of ACFW: Rick Barry, Rachael Phillips and Jerry Slauter.

The hand on the chin pose covers a myriad of old lady flaws
I came to a satisfying conclusion.

You have to be a little loopy to be a writer.

Either that, or loopy people become writers.

On with the show!
 And yet, I never feel as good in my skin as I do when I'm hanging out with other people who hear voices in their head.

I breathe a sigh of relief and say to myself, "So it's not just me that feels this way!" That's what makes an organization like ACFW so valuable. It fuels and inspires me to carry on. I'm not crazy. Other writers are "different" just like me.

Okay, odd. We're just plain odd. Admittedly, I'm odder than most. Okay, fine. They probably aren't odd at all, and are just being nice to me because they recognize they're dealing with one peculiar human and are scared. "Walk lightly with this one, folks. Her elevator doesn't only not go to the top, it doesn't even have a pully."

Still, it was a great privilege to share my table with Rachael Phillips. I bought several of her books and read one of them while we waited at the table. If you liked Nancy Drew mysteries as a kid, you'll love Rachael's grown-up mysteries.

Precious, funny, lovely Rachael Phillips
I shared booth space with Rick Barry, current president of ACFW-Indiana and author, Jerry Slauter. It was fascinating listening to their stories about how they came to write their books. Homeschoolers seemed to gobble them up, too. (The books, not the authors. Although, I do believe they were quite popular!)  And doesn't Rick look dapper in his WW II uniform? (Don't forget to tell Jerry he looks dapper, too. He gets his feelings hurt easily.)

The very dapper Rick Barry and Jerry Slauter
Want to meet these fascinating people? Join the ACFW-Indiana Chapter at their next event. You can download the .pdf flyer here: Join ACFW Indiana in April to Learn from Experienced Authors!

Or click on the picture below to enlarge and print it.

Do you like hanging out with other authors like I do? Why or why not? Leave me a comment and I'll enter you in a drawing for an autographed copy of my novel, The Pastor's Wife Wears Biker Boots! Once you read it, you're sure to understand how my elevator works. Or not.


  1. I love reading what you loopy authors write.

    1. Ann, I love having you as a follower! You're the best!

  2. You sound as if you had a wonderfully loopy time with your fellow writers.

    1. Mary, we did! I'm afraid my real self was showing, though...

  3. I LOVE hanging out with other writers! There's nothing like being with people who "get you". Such a fun post, Karla!

    1. Beth, thanks so much for chiming in here. I agree about hanging with people who "get" you. It's such a gift and I am really looking forward to more of it!

  4. I agree with Beth--there's nothing like hanging out with other writers! Sounds like you had fun.

    1. I had a blast. I can hardly wait for more time with my fellow writers. I need that fuel!

  5. Karla hung out with me for two whole days, and she still likes me? Either she's really gone over the edge, or she's speaking God's truth about hanging out with writers--probably both :-)

    1. I adore you, Rachael! You are a pearl. And such a good mystery writer! Who knew? :-) I'm really enjoying your books. I can't wait to see you again and chat them up.

  6. You've convinced me. I'm coming to your event!

    1. :-) Good thing because you're the president!
