By Abbey Downey
As a mom of two young kids (ages five and three), it’s safe to assume I’ll hear the same question every time I mention I’m also a writer. “How do you make time to write with kids at home?”
As a mom of two young kids (ages five and three), it’s safe to assume I’ll hear the same question every time I mention I’m also a writer. “How do you make time to write with kids at home?”
Honestly, it’s a reasonable
question. Kids take a lot of our time and mental resources, don’t they? And,
even if you can get them playing peacefully without you, a mom knows those
minutes won’t last as long as she hopes.
“He hit me!”
“She took my toy!”
“Can I have a snack?”
“I have to go potty. Now!”
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"Look, I deleted Mom's entire manuscript with one click!" |
But here’s what most people don’t realize: having my kids around actually makes my writing better. In spite of the interruptions, the constant questions, and the frequent potty/refereeing/feeding breaks.
Here’s what I mean:
They make me more creative.
Have you ever just listened to a kid playing imaginary
games? They’re hilarious! My oh-so-dramatic daughter frequently ends sessions
of playing Barbies with someone getting hurt and going to the hospital. My son
likes to make his superheroes face off against the bad guys. All of their games
involve dramatic conflict. Also, since I write fiction, I can give young
characters some of my kids’ funniest quirks!
They force me to use my time wisely.
I love the way
another author recently responded to the question of how moms find time to
write. She laughingly replied that nap time
is her friend, but then went on to say that somehow, God always provides the
time. Isn’t that just like our God? He calls us to write and He provides what we
need to accomplish that. But this is where I struggle: I have to get off
Twitter and use the snippets of time I do have, especially when there are kids
around with all their various needs. If I want to get any writing in, I have to
plan my day and stick to it.
They make me get out and experience the world.
I’m an introvert. Even
if you aren’t, as people who work in a rather solitary profession, it’s easy for
writers to get wrapped up in our words and forget that there’s a whole, real
world right in front of us. And that world provides endless inspiration! My
kids require things like being picked up from school, getting food to make into
meals, trips to the library, and hours spent eavesdropping on—I mean,
accidentally overhearing—conversations during sports practices. All wonderful
places to gather ideas that I would miss if I holed up all the time in my
They remind me to always include God.
As they all do, my
kids ask questions. So many questions. My five-year-old is very much trying to
make sense of how things fit into the world and his questions usually revolve
around how things work together. When we get into a line of questions, often it
will circle around to how God fits into the subject. Where’s God when kids are
at school? How does Jesus eat if He’s invisible? It’s a great reminder that God
is in everything we do. No matter the market or genre, there’s always a way to
include God in our words and in our writing process.
Have you faced a challenge in your
writing that turned out to hide blessings? I’d love to hear about it in the
Abbey Downey never expected her love
for writing to turn into a career, but she’s thankful for the chance to write inspirational
romance as Mollie Campbell. A life-long Midwestern girl, Abbey lives in Central
Indiana, where her family has roots back to the 1840s. She couldn’t be happier
spending her days putting words on paper and hanging out with her husband, two
kids, and a rather enthusiastic beagle.
You can check out Abbey's books at
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