"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Thursday, February 20, 2020

2020 Calendar

Here's a quick heads-up as to what will be going on this year with ACFW Indiana. We now have our speakers and guests in place. March and June venues are established.

AND...ACFW has given us a new email address: Indiana@acfwchapter.com. We will keep the gmail account open for a while, but please start using the new address.

You can check for updates on the calendar at our Upcoming Events page right here or on our Facebook page, ACFW Indiana Chapter. If Upcoming Events does not show up on the sidebar of our Hoosier Ink home page, please let me know (Indiana@acfwchapter.com). The little stinker keeps disappearing on me!

 A Year in a Writer's Life

ACFW Indiana 2020 Calendar
All Meetings will begin at 11:30 a.m. and finish by 3:00 p.m. 

March 14 - CANCELLED 
Abbey Downey
Preparing for Contests”
Sirloin Stockade
Marion, Indiana

June 20 - NOW an Online Event! 
Agent Critique Panel
“The Slush Pile Revisited”
J.M. Hochstetler, Tisha Martin, Alyssa Roat
Visit our Upcoming Events page for all the details! 

August 22
Rachael Phillips
“Preparing for Conferences”
North Indianapolis

November 7
Jill Williamson live streamed
Avon or ? (If anyone who lives further north can host this meeting through their church, please contact Linda at:  Indiana@acfwchapter.com)



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. The officers work hard to select topics we hope are of interest to many members.
