"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Thursday, December 16, 2021

More Tools for Your Writer's Toolbox coming January 8!

Gone are the days when an author’s only job was to put words to paper, to craft an engaging story. The rest of the book publishing business belonged to someone else, including the marketing of the author’s engaging story. While the publisher tended to those business-type details, said author set about writing another book. And all was well.

But now, it’s not enough to write an engaging book, even one presented in an error-free manuscript. Today’s would-be authors are told to build a name for themselves and gather a following of potential readers while pulling together an amazing story in a perfectly formatted manuscript. 

Some publishers require an author to amass what most of us would consider an unrealistically huge number of followers via social media profiles and a massive email list of contacts. While one expects an indie published author to have to wear the marketing hat atop his/her writing cap, even those who pursue a traditional publishing route no longer have the luxury of relying on their publisher to handle all things marketing related.

At whatever point you find yourself in your writing journey, building an author platform should be on
your radar. And for that you will need to fill your writer’s toolbox with tools, such as the services offered by Book Brush Media. So, mark the first Saturday in January with a big star for the first ACFW Indiana 2022 meeting, featuring a presentation by Kathleen Sweeney from Book Brush Media. Watch your email for more details coming soon!

What are your favorite tools relating to marketing and building an author platform? Jot your answers in the comments.





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