"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Friday, August 13, 2010

Benefits of Writing Contests

My awesome agent Diana Flegal (pictured) of Hartline Literary Agency recently had a great blog on writing contests. I've invited her to share that blog with us. She writes:

Entering a writer's contest presents a great way to hone your writer's skills and perform an exercise in tight writing.

WRITER'S DIGEST sponsors several writing competions annually:
1) Annual Short Story Writing Competition
2) 79th Annual Writing Competition
3) International Self-Published Book Awards
4) Pop Fiction Awards
5) Poetry Awards Competition
6) Your Story (see below)
For the above, go to: www.writersdigest.com/competitions

Every other month, WRITER'S DIGEST presents a creative challenge for fun and prizes. They provide a short, open-ended prompt. In turn, you submit a short story of 750 words or fewer based on that prompt. You can be funny, poignant, witty, etc.; it is, after all, your story (#6 above). The winnder will receive publication in an upcoming issue of WD. For rules, prompts, deadlines, voting andother details about Your Story competition, visit: www.writersdigest.com/yourstory

Fiction Factor online Mag offers a list of writing contests, as well as an opportunity to write and have your articles published. www.fictionfactor.com/contests

Here are several other links that offer you lists of Fiction and Non-fiction writing contests:

Have fun playing around with words. And remember, if you win, this is the type of thing you can place with pride in your proposal.

From my heart to yours,

PS from Millie: Hey, I know contests work and are fun, too, because I've won several. Plus they're great motivation for editing. One of my "wins" was Diana (in a round about way, maybe I'll share that story another blog-day).

Contest blessings,
Millie Samuelson


  1. Hey, Millie! Gave you a shoutout on Facebook recently.

    Great post, though I'm NOT a contest aficionado.

    But glad they work for many folks!


  2. Thanks, Patti! I missed your shoutout. . . I'll have to look for it. See you next month at ACFW?? :-)
