"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Monday, August 16, 2010

"We Are An Offering"

“We Are An Offering”

We lift our voices, we lift our hands, we lift our lives up to you: we are an offering.

Lord, use our voices, Lord, use our hands, Lord use our lives, they are yours:

we are an offering.

All that we have, all that we are, all that we hope to be, we give to you, we give to you.

We lift our voices, we lift our hands, we lift our lives up to you:

we are an offering, we are an offering.

We can do nothing more than be an offering to God. Whether we’re bound for conference next month or bound to stay at home, we are called to lift our voices, use our hands and offer our lives. And to humbly request-Lord, use our voices, Lord use our hands and use our lives. They are yours. We are an offering.

Often we sing this song at church. Sometimes I’m compelled to raise open hands in obedience and supplication. The words never fail to hammer my heart. They are the best hook I’ve read.

I have been intentional about writing in an inspirational way, but have had uncertainty if the Christian publishing arena is where I should be. At one low ebb, when trying to find a Christian publisher, I consciously (defiantly?) delayed including the ‘God part’ in my submission. In a quiet way, the well-respected agent asked, “Where’s the faith element?” That gentle, or maybe not-so-gentle jerk is now my constant reminder of where I’ve chosen allegiance in writing.

Lord, use my personal voice, the words my hands write and my writing life. They are yours. I am an offering.

Jude Urbanski


  1. Hi Jude -- Just for the record, it's not Mon, Aug 16 yet. . . great post, however! :-)

  2. Good post. We are an offering. Let's make it a good one.

  3. Excellent point! Sometimes at work -- at a factory, setting new refrigerators up for performance testing -- I silently tell the Lord, "Here I am with an hour till break (or, 45 minutes until time to go home ...) Help me use this."

    Sometimes there's no one to talk to and I just have to do my job as best I can.

    Somedays everyone talks to me b/c I am the same age as their moms. Only more sane, apparently. Or more available. Or something. I just hope I can use Godly wisdom in my interactions.

    But ... yeah ... my time there is an offering. Maybe someday I will have more time to write.

  4. Thanks, Jude, for the reminder. I need to be reminded again and again and again who my Audience really is.
