"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Psalms 4:6-7 in the Message says,
Why is everyone hungry for more?
"More, more," they say.
"More, more."
I have God's more-than-enough.
More joy in one ordinary day.

At first glance this didn't seem to apply to my writing life. I was wrong. As writers, we often lament for "more" time, "more" words, "more" cooperation from life outside our writing world. We can be hungry to write, and imagine that "more" of what we think we need is the magic ticket. God's word promises that we already have what we need, in this case, time. The possibility for joy in our work is already within our grasp. We have more-than-enough. What a comfort!
Learning to be productive within the confines of our day sometimes takes a jump start. Let me share a few resources that might encourage and enable us:
Conquering the Time Factor by Julie-Allyson Leron
Pen on Fire by Barbara DeMarco-Barrett
A fun little box of writing games to spark your imagination-
The Writer's Toolbox by Jamie Cat Callan

Let's go forth with confidence, accepting what we can do today.Thank God for what we do accomplish-not regretting what we didn't.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely, Christa! Every day I pray for my "daily bread," that portion of the loaf *gasp* that's on my plate for today so I won't "be anxious for tomorrow."
    "I have God's more-than-enough"-- I love that! He is sovereign and in control, but all too often I forget how generous He is in the delights He's already put within my reach.
    Thanks for sharing!
