"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Monday, January 6, 2014

Want to get more done? Get a plant!

A study from Texas A & M University found that plants increase productivity and creativity by up to 30 percent!

I'm pretty bad with plants. Mainly because I forget they're there. But the study also shows that plants also help reduce headaches and fatigue so maybe I should give this a try!

Some other things I've learned to be more productive are posted in my blog post: "Write Like You're Hair's On Fire!"  They include things like using the planner I designed to keep my writing life organized. You can get your own copy here: Karla's Writer's Planner.

In addition to my planner, I keep a desk calendar dedicated only to my writing. It includes my deadlines, blog topics, and word counts in addition to my planner. Because I have a touch of ADD, I need to double up on my reminders.

My goals for 2014 are:
  • Stand more. If I'm on the phone, I'm going to stand and walk. 
  • Say "no" more. This is a hard one for me. 
  • Have more fun. Another hard one for me. But I'm determined!
  • Watch more movies. 
  • My two words for 2014: Courage and Grace.
Head on over to my blog post and glean more ideas on how to be more productive in 2014. Then come back here and let me know what your goals are or what helps YOU write like your hair's on fire. With the Lord's help and encouragement from one another, we can get more done!

1 comment:

  1. My 2014 Theme is Glorify God! Be Bold! Take Risks! My goals include *self-publish the mss. I have ready to go. *Find ways to surprise my husband. *Start a local writers support group. *Plan a very big church celebration for families and praying in the New Year of 2015. Spend more time outdoors.
