"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 - A Year of Destiny and Purpose

Dear Fellow Writers,

     2014 looms ahead like a bound book of blank pages waiting to be filled. For some, all that white is paralyzing. Others itch to fill the pages. Still others press the first page flat, prep the pen, and plan. Whatever your style, I encourage you to include God for only he can cause us to get it right. Do you doubt me? Look at 2013 one last time before you file it on the shelf.

     The Book of My Life 2013 is filled with scrawls, inkblots, and scratch outs, as well as exclamation points, underlining, and stars. So is yours. Evaluate it through God’s eyes and you may be surprised. What you marked as failure may have held important God-moments that will help you succeed in your writing life or as a person. The success you did reach may have not been as sweet as you anticipated. Why not? The Bible is filled with men who followed God and knew success, only to become prideful, neglectful of family or driven by accolades.

     As writers, we incorporate our experiences into stories of impact. We describe what we see and feel so that readers identify with us. With written words we define and clarify what escapes others. In effect, we are God’s reporters weaving truth into fiction in such a way that light comes to dark minds.When you look at it like this, every moment has the potential of being a God-moment.

     You have a destiny, a purpose to fulfill. This next year will move you closer to it if you let two truths guide you. They are true whether 2014 is a mountaintop or a desert experience.

1.   God has a plan, a destiny, for you that is good. He tells us straight out in Jeremiah 29:11 “I know the plans I have for you… plans to prosper and not harm you, to give you hope and a future.”
2.   You choose your destiny. This destiny is not assured. It requires a decision to follow Christ’s direction. He gives us freewill, yet invites us to follow him and obtain full joy. “I set before you today life and prosperity or death and destruction…now choose…” Deuteronomy 30:15-19

     The year 2014 will hold surprises. Some will delight you. Some will devastate you. One thing is assured. God is faithful. Listen to him. Each day search for the God moments. Be grateful. Then you will say, “Look what the Lord has done!”

Happy New Year! 

May this year be the closest you've ever been to the Lord. Live for him. Write for him. 
              Mary Allen 


  1. Great post. I too am looking forward to 2014 and the new writing time I've devoted myself to.

  2. and also....welcome to our 2 new Board members. This is my first post as a "non-Board member." )

  3. Darren, may many blessings go out from your writing and may you yourself be blessed. Thanks for serving INACFW.

  4. Mary, good blog. Thanks for sharing it. I will admit, I'm reading this on Jan. 6th, and I smiled at our line "...all that white is paralyzing." I feel that way, but I'm not thinking about paper -- I'm looking at the window at a foot and a half of snow on a bright, sunny, -12 degree day.

  5. Yes, Jeff, that white can be paralyzing too. I'm feeling a bit housebound, only being out for moments at a time and 2 days without phone or internet to boot. Thanks for commenting.
