"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Friday, January 10, 2014

Publishing Dilemma! HELP!

What do YOU think? Should I publish an incomplete novel?

That's my dilemma, and here's why I'm considering doing so.

I'm about halfway finished with the third novel, Jade Cross, in my Yangtze Dragon Trilogy. My novels are stories inspired by my family's China and Taiwan experiences, dating back to 1882 until the present time. At the rate I'm progressing, I doubt I'll finish this third novel before the end of the year.

My problem?

I plan to dedicate Jade Cross to several significant others from my life when I was growing up in Taiwan. They are now elderly, and recently one moved to Glory. I would like the others to see my forever gratitude in print before they, too, finish their days on earth.

So I'm considering publishing part of Jade Cross and sending it to them. Incidentally, they have read my first two novels, and have expressed eagerness to read the final one.

Since I can quite easily do this as a self-published author,
should I? Or am I overlooking some serious drawbacks?

Plus I'm curious!

For those of you who've read the first two novels in my trilogy, would you like to read a few more chapters of the story while you wait for the finished novel?

I hope you'll let me know what YOU think!

Millie Nelson Samuelson

PS: To celebrate our New Year, all four of my Kindle books are on sale for only 99 cents each this month of January on Amazon: Hungry River, Dragon Wall, A Missionary Memoir, Women of the Last Supper.


  1. Millie, I can see the arguments in favor of doing this, but I believe the reasons for NOT doing it are even stronger. For example, your desire to finish the novel before another of your elderly friends passes is strong motivation to keep on writing. I think you should hold your feet to the fire and keep this project on "the front burner."

  2. OUCH! Such great advice, Joe. . . and it's what I may do. . . I'm praying lots about this, of course. . . each of my novels has taken me a year or so longer than I anticipated, alas. I SO admire those putting out two or three a year! :-)

  3. My thought is that, no matter how much I appreciate the author, I would not want to start reading a book and then come to a screeching halt -- no more words -- before the end of the story. That would be a cliff hanger of the worst sort, in my opinion. I like Joe's advice.

  4. Some authors have epubbed their novels on a chapter by chapter basis, but this may have been in conjunction with their website rather than a Kindle book. The one I'm thinking of had her fans begging for the next chapters, but then her genre is vampire/alien/supernatural stuff and may be more bent to that type of pre-publishing. If the Lord is not giving you a decisive leading, I guess it comes down to basic considerations: Why are you writing the book? What are the other factors in your life preventing completion? If it's a matter of discipline then light the fire! If say, you have the care of an elderly parent, a job, and having surgery yourself ...well, there are only so many hours in the day. May God guide you. I'm looking forward to reading the first two books.

  5. Yes, Rick! That's the huge part of my dilemma! I'm glad to hear it worded by someone like you -- thanks! :-)

  6. Thanks, Mary, for your interesting info! Somehow I've missed out on modern day writers pubbing their books chapter by chapter. . . hmm. . . About why I'm not finishing as fast as I'd like. . . that's another hmm. . . It's not time. I have plenty of that. It's mostly that my creative energy is somewhat tired (not blocked -- I can always write) or otherwise directed. Plus my Jade Cross story took off in a surprise direction in Dec. And instead of adding words, I deleted more than 6000. Other than that, I'm slowly and steadily and happily progressing (I still love adverbs, ha). Hey, enjoy my two novels released so far! If you don't have them yet, this month is a great time to get them in Kindle. :-)
