"Hoosier Ink" Blog

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Stopping to Plagiarize on a Snowy Evening

No, as an author I don't really endorse the pilfering of another author's material. However, once the idea for the following poem took root in my mind, creativity took over, and I simply had to write it, but just for fun ! The effort was a nice change of pace from the snow shoveling I've been doing the past couple days. Enjoy!

Stopping to Plagiarize on a Snowy Evening
By Rick Barry (with inspiration from Robert Frost)
  Whose words these are I think I know.
  His lawyer isn’t watching though.
  He will not see me scanning here       
  To steal his words, which nicely flow.
  My little dog must think it queer
  To filch these lines without fear,
  To pinch the words and be a fake,
  The darkest cunning of the year.

  He gives his dog tags a loud shake
  As if to warn, “A lot’s at stake!”
  The only other sound’s the beep
  My printer gives as lines I take.
  These words are lovely, rich and deep,
  But me? I have deadlines to keep,
  And pages to type before I sleep,
  And pages to type before I sleep.

When he's not spoofing Robert Frost, Rick Barry is the author of over 200 published short stories and articles, plus two novels. Visit his personal blog at http://rickbarry.blogspot.com.


  1. Twas many days after Christmas, and all through the house, all the presents were opened, and one even given to a mouse. The stockings were taken down, by the chimney with care, in hopes that no gifts had been left in there.

    1. Funny Darren. Our stockings are still up and I'm wondering how long it's going to take the boys to figure out why.

  2. CLEVER, SKILLFUL FUN with one of my favorite (to teach) poets. . . :-)

  3. Glad you enjoyed it, friends. This piece was fun to develop.

  4. Fun, Rick. Don't you love it when the Muse is mischievous?
